Dès les premières dynasties, le pictogramme fut dans l’écriture le prolongement des représentations figuratives naturalistes, logogrammes dans les palettes funéraires décorées protodynastiques. Ce constat nous porte à les mettre en correspondance avec l’art pariétal du néolithique nubien, le prédynastique égyptien, et celui des aires culturelles périphériques. La reconsidération des pétroglyphes en tant que symboles et idéogrammes, c’est-à-dire des mythogrammes autant que des logogrammes-phonogrammes polysémiques permet de dégager un système structurel de représentations symboliques universel dans la vallée du Nil. Essentiellement funéraire, il est organisé autour d’une nouvelle lecture en relation aux mythes fondateurs de l’Œil d’Horus/sol...
The Ancient Egyptians tried to find reasons for the chaos in the universe, which didn’t stop at wild...
U radu su, na temelju obrade najznačajnijih dekorativnih i simboličkih motiva preddinastijskog i ran...
The art of the Predynastic period has been studied and understood as a cultural manifestation of the...
Architecture of ancient Egypt is criss-crossed by a series of giant projects whose aim was to celebr...
The omni-presence of the Divine was manifest in every ancient Egyptian activity, the Egyptians being...
Frame and image. Notes on the structure of figurative representation in predynastic Egypt. The aim ...
In the following synthetic study, ritual waters are presented in their architectural, ritual and ass...
The author studies the construction of conceptual activity’s vocabulary in ancient Egyptian based on...
Among the thousands of scarabs, scaraboids and other stamp-seal amulets unearthed in Iron Age contex...
There is no doubt that the Ancient Egyptian Art is one of the most important legacies left behind by...
La néolithisation proche-orientale est une longue période qui s’amorce vers 12 000 cal. BC et s’achè...
In Predynastic representations, strongly stylised animals and plants with symbolic values occur. The...
The author describes a triangulation in ancient Egypt: the crossing of a 22.5-mile (diameter) northe...
L’art rupestre du Sahara égyptien, de la vallée du Nil et du désert oriental a maintes fois été inte...
Las pequeñas pirámides escalonadas integran un grupo coherente de siete monumentos distribuidos a lo...
The Ancient Egyptians tried to find reasons for the chaos in the universe, which didn’t stop at wild...
U radu su, na temelju obrade najznačajnijih dekorativnih i simboličkih motiva preddinastijskog i ran...
The art of the Predynastic period has been studied and understood as a cultural manifestation of the...
Architecture of ancient Egypt is criss-crossed by a series of giant projects whose aim was to celebr...
The omni-presence of the Divine was manifest in every ancient Egyptian activity, the Egyptians being...
Frame and image. Notes on the structure of figurative representation in predynastic Egypt. The aim ...
In the following synthetic study, ritual waters are presented in their architectural, ritual and ass...
The author studies the construction of conceptual activity’s vocabulary in ancient Egyptian based on...
Among the thousands of scarabs, scaraboids and other stamp-seal amulets unearthed in Iron Age contex...
There is no doubt that the Ancient Egyptian Art is one of the most important legacies left behind by...
La néolithisation proche-orientale est une longue période qui s’amorce vers 12 000 cal. BC et s’achè...
In Predynastic representations, strongly stylised animals and plants with symbolic values occur. The...
The author describes a triangulation in ancient Egypt: the crossing of a 22.5-mile (diameter) northe...
L’art rupestre du Sahara égyptien, de la vallée du Nil et du désert oriental a maintes fois été inte...
Las pequeñas pirámides escalonadas integran un grupo coherente de siete monumentos distribuidos a lo...
The Ancient Egyptians tried to find reasons for the chaos in the universe, which didn’t stop at wild...
U radu su, na temelju obrade najznačajnijih dekorativnih i simboličkih motiva preddinastijskog i ran...
The art of the Predynastic period has been studied and understood as a cultural manifestation of the...