[La revue portugaise 7 Mares est dirigée par les doctorants en Histoire Moderne de l’Université fédérale Fluminense (UFF), à Rio de Janeiro.Ce numéro s’articule autour d’un dossier qui s’appelle “Os conturbados anos de 1640 na Europa e no Ultramar”. (http://www.historia.uff.br/7mares/category/7-mares/)]The analysis of a corpus of documents, made of almost 460 mazarinades, makes it possible to shed a new light on both the position and the role that these libelles - often insulting and false - had in Rouen, an editorial centre of the time. Rouen is an anti-establishment city, and the second city of France. It is often seen as disconnected from the capital city even though the events happening in both places were echoing. The analysis is mostl...