《史記》是西漢的偉大史書,其內容籠括二千五百餘年的歷史。司馬遷之所以撰《史記》,從其父臨終之囑咐開其端。此外,司馬談對孔子及對歷史中的周期循環觀,亦有莫大的影響。當時,公羊學在胡毋生、董仲舒、公孫弘等人的推行下,得以在政壇上有獨尊的地位。司馬遷在《史記》中,一再地推崇《春秋》,細查《史記》中論及《春秋》文,得知司馬遷對《春秋》的了解,是憑藉《公羊傳》而有的,亦即《史記》中所述的《春秋》乃《公羊春秋》,而且司馬遷對《公羊春秋》的了解,與董仲舒之公羊學多有相同之處。因此,本文擬以《史記》的公羊學為題,探討、論析《史記》與《公羊傳》、公羊學之間的關係,以闡明司馬遷撰寫《史記》之過程中,為何及如何採用《公羊》之學說作為其書之精髓。Shiji is a monumental book of history from the early Han dynasty that covers more than 2,500 years of history. Sima Qian’s reasons for writing it find their beginnings in his dying father’s last wishes. In addition to this, Sima Tan’s views of Confucius and of a cyclical history also played a large role. At the time, the Gongyang school of thought arrived at a level of primary importance in the political arena, due to the research ...