本研究旨在探討台灣一般民眾對三類老人長期照護安排的態度及其影響因子。根據1556位20-64歲台灣地區代表性樣本的調查發現,民眾認為一般家庭在有照護老人的需求時,58.1%會選擇居家式的照護,而選擇社區與機構等照護方式的比率分別為31.8%、與10.1%,可見傳統居家式的照護最受歡迎,但已有略多於四成的民眾贊同社區與機構等正式照護方式。多變項對數複迴歸分析發現,在控制其他重要變項下,年齡50-64歲、收入較高、居住城區、家中女性照護人力較少、認為政府有照護責任者較贊同送老人進機構療養;而社區式的照護較受閩南人、外省人、大專以上教育程度、認為政府有照護責任者的贊同。 This study examines the distribution of public attitudes toward three long-term care arrangements as well as the factors associated with those attitudes. Data came from a survey of a representative nation-wide sample of 1556 respondents aged 20-64. The results revealed that 58.1% of the respondents stated that they would choose home-based care to assist families with dependent elderly. Community-based care and institutional care were selected by 31.8% and 10.1...