本研究中,我們建立了類人眼偵測器的模擬程式,並對矽基元件與 AlGaAs 元件進行設計與分析,研究其光頻譜反應達到類人眼反應的可能性。我們發現由於矽材料的截止波長過長,元件的反應頻譜在紅外線的部分難以消除,需要使用額外的偵測元件與信號處理來去除紅外線的效應。然而由於 AlGaAs 材料的截止波長可以調整,我們除了完成 AlGaAs 元件結構的設計最佳化與模擬之外,並以分子束磊晶法及半導體製程進行元件結構的成長與實作。成功完成的元件其頻譜反應特性,極為接近國際照明學會制訂標準人眼 photopic 反應函數。In this thesis, we firstly investigate the feasibility of designing ambient light detectors based on Si and AlGaAs semiconductor through a self-developed device simulator. It is found that the difference between the cutoff wavelength of silicon and the peak wavelength of human eye’s response is too large to eliminate the infrared light detection in Si-based devices, which needs extra detectors and/or signal processing for correction otherwise may result in error response. On the other hand...