高位脊髓損傷病患因自律神經傳導障礙,導致姿勢改變時,產生姿勢性低血壓,並併發眼花、暈眩的狀況。為研究對下肢加壓是否可幫助姿勢性低血壓患者改善暈眩狀況,本研究利用一套具控制系統之下肢加壓循環器,以可量化的生理參數量測為判斷基準,變更不同的氣壓幫浦壓力,將積存於患者下肢的血液壓回上肢,以延長患者的站立時間,並針對受試患者於不同傾斜床角度與不同氣壓幫浦壓力下之生理參數進行分析。經實驗結果證實,血壓會因傾斜床角度昇高而逐漸降低,也會因施加於下肢之幫浦壓力增加而昇高,下肢加壓循環器應用在治療因脊髓損傷所造成姿勢性低血壓之方面,的確可以有效的改善姿勢性低血壓。One of the major complications in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) is orthostatic hypotension. Patients with SCI above T6 interrupt the sympathetic pathways from brain stem to sympathetic nerves and disrupt the voluntary muscle contractions of the lower extremities. Therefore, these patient may suffered from impairment of blood pressure control in the responses to postural change and severe venous pooling in the lower extremities. The purpose of our research i...