企業內的生產決策通常是集權的形式或有明顯主從關係,而供應鏈網路內廠 商之間的關係通常錯綜複雜,決策有分散式的特色。企業內與企業間的決策整合 有基本性質的差異,供應鏈世紀的對生產決策的方法與工具有新的研究需求,本 計畫以半導體製造供應網路為對象,研究協同規劃與排程的整合方法與工具。本 計畫有三個研究工作:(1) 運算平台環境、(2) 制約與推理模式、(3) 效益驗證。 本計畫將為期三年,第一年建置運算平台,並且建構雛形規劃模組。本文件為第 一年的進度報告。The performance of supply chains depends very much on the integration of business processes, decision-making and information systems. Compared with centralized planning, collaborative planning and scheduling is more natural in the distributed environment of supply chains. This project proposes to develop enabling technologies for collaborative planning and scheduling in semiconductor manufacturing. This project contains three tasks: developing a computation platform of planning and scheduling, developing models of c...