[Resumo] A xurisprudencia constitucional é un referente para os distintos órganos que compoñen o poder xudicial, polo que calquera cambio nela debe ser obxecto de análise e de especial atención. Así, neste estudo trátase un cambio xurisprudencial que tivo lugar en 2016 a respecto da videovixilancia e os dereitos fundamentais dos traballadores que se ven sometidos a ela, con base na sentenza do Tribunal Constitucional que o propiciou[Abstract] The Constitutional jurisprudence is a reference to different agencies that form part of the Judicial System. This is why it is necessary to discuss it widely, paying special attention before introducing any change on it. The present study deals with a particular jurisprudential change that has ta...
The investigation has the objective to establish the legal aspects regarding the right to privacy an...
En el presente trabajo se analiza, desde una perspectiva crítica, la jurisprudencia del Trib...
The problem addressed is the construction of the right of privacy in the United States as a corollar...
In labor relations, the conceptual tension between privacy and security is undeniable. That is why t...
Privacy has been evolved as a main issue in the employment relationships. Video surveillance and che...
This paper focuses its attention on the use of hidden labor video surveillance as a means of evidenc...
ABSTRACT: This work focuses on workplace video surveillance and its implications from the viewpoint ...
The STS 285/2022 of March 30 resolves a controversial issue such as the installation of video survei...
Este trabajo tiene por objeto el examen de los problemas que plantea la videovigilancia laboral desd...
A recent judgment of the Supreme Court, regarding video surveillance from balloons in two communes o...
El presente artículo revisa la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional desde su origen en 1982 ha...
Real privacy of data is an increasingly more difficult to maintain order, and to that end leads the ...
The surveillance of conversations in the criminal process was the subject of an important pronouncem...
La videovigilancia es un medio más de control por las empresas de la prestación laboral. Pero este...
The investigation has the objective to establish the legal aspects regarding the right to privacy an...
En el presente trabajo se analiza, desde una perspectiva crítica, la jurisprudencia del Trib...
The problem addressed is the construction of the right of privacy in the United States as a corollar...
In labor relations, the conceptual tension between privacy and security is undeniable. That is why t...
Privacy has been evolved as a main issue in the employment relationships. Video surveillance and che...
This paper focuses its attention on the use of hidden labor video surveillance as a means of evidenc...
ABSTRACT: This work focuses on workplace video surveillance and its implications from the viewpoint ...
The STS 285/2022 of March 30 resolves a controversial issue such as the installation of video survei...
Este trabajo tiene por objeto el examen de los problemas que plantea la videovigilancia laboral desd...
A recent judgment of the Supreme Court, regarding video surveillance from balloons in two communes o...
El presente artículo revisa la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional desde su origen en 1982 ha...
Real privacy of data is an increasingly more difficult to maintain order, and to that end leads the ...
The surveillance of conversations in the criminal process was the subject of an important pronouncem...
La videovigilancia es un medio más de control por las empresas de la prestación laboral. Pero este...
The investigation has the objective to establish the legal aspects regarding the right to privacy an...
En el presente trabajo se analiza, desde una perspectiva crítica, la jurisprudencia del Trib...
The problem addressed is the construction of the right of privacy in the United States as a corollar...