This work presents the development of three--dimensional karst evolution models for various settings and conditions. As karst aquifers are very sensitive to changes of their hydraulic boundary conditions a comprehensive understanding of the governing processes inside a karst aquifer is indispensable. Especially if a karst aquifer is influenced by anthropogenic utilization like e.g. the construction of a dam--site, the resulting changes inside the aquifer need to be understood as good as possible to prevent any unpredictable incidents. The use of numerical models to simulate the development of a karst aquifer is therefore a suitable tool in the preliminary investigations. It will be shown that simple three--dimensional dam--site models can b...
Flooding, ground collapses, subsidence and contamination are hazards often encountered in a karst en...
Die Grundwasserströmung in Karstaquiferen wurde in den letzten Jahren mehrfach mit Hilfe von Doppel-...
Groundwater is a major resource for mankind. Among groundwater resources, karst groundwater plays an...
We present a 3D numerical karst evolution model describing mechanisms governing the evolution of col...
The impact, caused by a construction of a dam site on the Birs river close to Basel (Switzerland), o...
The evolution of karst aquifers under various hydrological and chemical boundary conditions is studi...
Hiermit versichere ich an Eides statt, daß ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig verfasst und ke...
Karstaquifere stellen eine wichtige Trinkwasserressource dar. Das hydraulische Verhalten von Karstaq...
Karstgrundwasserleiter stellen etwa 25 % der globalen Grundwasservorräte und sind in vielenGebieten ...
This paper gives an overview of the key principles necessary for an understanding of Speleogenesis, ...
The evolution of karst aquifers under various hydrological and chemical boundary conditions is studi...
A process-based numerical modelling tool is developed, designed to support the charcterisation of ka...
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer une nouvelle approche de modélisation de la spél...
Abstract In three-dimensional (3-D) implicit geological modeling, the bounding surfaces bet...
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch Anwendung einfacher mathematischer Modelle ein besseres Verständni...
Flooding, ground collapses, subsidence and contamination are hazards often encountered in a karst en...
Die Grundwasserströmung in Karstaquiferen wurde in den letzten Jahren mehrfach mit Hilfe von Doppel-...
Groundwater is a major resource for mankind. Among groundwater resources, karst groundwater plays an...
We present a 3D numerical karst evolution model describing mechanisms governing the evolution of col...
The impact, caused by a construction of a dam site on the Birs river close to Basel (Switzerland), o...
The evolution of karst aquifers under various hydrological and chemical boundary conditions is studi...
Hiermit versichere ich an Eides statt, daß ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig verfasst und ke...
Karstaquifere stellen eine wichtige Trinkwasserressource dar. Das hydraulische Verhalten von Karstaq...
Karstgrundwasserleiter stellen etwa 25 % der globalen Grundwasservorräte und sind in vielenGebieten ...
This paper gives an overview of the key principles necessary for an understanding of Speleogenesis, ...
The evolution of karst aquifers under various hydrological and chemical boundary conditions is studi...
A process-based numerical modelling tool is developed, designed to support the charcterisation of ka...
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer une nouvelle approche de modélisation de la spél...
Abstract In three-dimensional (3-D) implicit geological modeling, the bounding surfaces bet...
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch Anwendung einfacher mathematischer Modelle ein besseres Verständni...
Flooding, ground collapses, subsidence and contamination are hazards often encountered in a karst en...
Die Grundwasserströmung in Karstaquiferen wurde in den letzten Jahren mehrfach mit Hilfe von Doppel-...
Groundwater is a major resource for mankind. Among groundwater resources, karst groundwater plays an...