PANARTHROPODA, Phylum Arthropoda Class Arachnida Acari (differenti taxa). Ubiquitous organisms. Animals often with an unsegmented body, having complete fusion of the prosoma and opisthosoma. An anterior region (gnathosoma) carrying chelicerae and pedipalps and a trunk (podosoma) with 4 pairs of legs. Sarcoptes. 1, 2) Female dorsal and ventral views. 3) Male ventral view. 4) Gnathosoma with chelicerae and pedipalps. Various other species are represented, among which Demodex folliculorum (13).PANARTHROPODA, Phylum Arthropoda Classe Arachnida Differenti taxa di Acari Differenti taxa di Acarini. Ubiquitari. Animali dal corpo frequentemente non segmentato, in cui il prosoma è fuso con l‘opistosoma. Distinta una regione anteriore portante ...