PANARTHROPODA, Phylum Arthropoda Presently Subphylum Chelicerata Class Merostomata Xiphosura Limulus. Marine organisms, in Atlantic Coast, Gulf of Mexico and Asian coasts. Ventral view: prosoma with chelicerae, 5 pairs of legs. Opisthosoma with 6 pairs of appendages: the first pair is the genital operculum, the subsequent appendages are flap-like membranous ones, whose inferior surface forms book gills. Anus, telson. 2) Sagittal section with a dorsal heart, digestive system and ventral ganglionic cord. 7, 8) “Trilobite” larva and subsequent stages.Tavola LXXXX Tavola parietale. Presente sulla tavola in basso a destra il monogramma degli autori: LL (Arthur Loss e R. Leuckart) PANARTHROPODA Phylum Arthropoda Attualmente Subphylum Chel...