Joga je konstantno razvijajući filozofsko-duhovno-psihološko-praktični sustav holističkog pristupa čovjeku, ujedno i česti predmet polemika današnjice s obzirom na veliku brzinu širenja zemljama zapada. Tisućama godina poznati su pozitivni benefiti koje joga može pružiti svakodnevnom čovjeku, no tek nedavno je postala čestim predmetom znanstvenih istraživanja, te je uočen veliki utjecaj iste na psihofiziološko stanje organizma. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi akutni utjecaj uobičajenog sata joge na ponašanje varijabilnosti srčanog ritma, vrijednosti tlaka, kao i subjektivan osjećaj stresa, depresije i anksioznosti kod žena s i bez iskustva u jogi. Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 zdravih žena različite dobi. Devet žena s dugogodišn...
A. Nelson, J. Friday, & G. Loomer Bethel University, St. Paul, MN PURPOSE: The purpose of this study...
This study investigated the psychological effects of yoga on adult’s mood such as stress, anxiety an...
Objective: This study investigated the effects of the breathing practice in vinyasa yoga on heart ra...
Uvod: Ker je v sodobni zahodni družbi pojavnost stresa visoka in ker lahko dolgoročna izpostavljenos...
Współcześnie joga jako aktywność psychoruchowa staje się coraz bardziej popularna. Jako przedmiot ba...
Veselības sporta speciālistsIzglītība, pedagoģija un sportsHealth care sports specialistEducation, P...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u percipiranom stresu između sudionica koje se bave j...
Wstęp: Przewlekły stres odczuwany przez człowieka jest skutkiem rozwijającej się cywilizacji. Długot...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia are directly associated with autonomic...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia are directly associated with autonomic...
Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used as a proxy for health and fitness and indicator of autono...
Stress är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle. ...
The evidence of the cardiovascular benefits of yoga is promising, but is limited by a lack of examin...
Background & Method: This study was conducted in Department of Physiology, Index Medical College...
Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Health Science Institute Department of Rehabilitation, Physic...
A. Nelson, J. Friday, & G. Loomer Bethel University, St. Paul, MN PURPOSE: The purpose of this study...
This study investigated the psychological effects of yoga on adult’s mood such as stress, anxiety an...
Objective: This study investigated the effects of the breathing practice in vinyasa yoga on heart ra...
Uvod: Ker je v sodobni zahodni družbi pojavnost stresa visoka in ker lahko dolgoročna izpostavljenos...
Współcześnie joga jako aktywność psychoruchowa staje się coraz bardziej popularna. Jako przedmiot ba...
Veselības sporta speciālistsIzglītība, pedagoģija un sportsHealth care sports specialistEducation, P...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u percipiranom stresu između sudionica koje se bave j...
Wstęp: Przewlekły stres odczuwany przez człowieka jest skutkiem rozwijającej się cywilizacji. Długot...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia are directly associated with autonomic...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia are directly associated with autonomic...
Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used as a proxy for health and fitness and indicator of autono...
Stress är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle. ...
The evidence of the cardiovascular benefits of yoga is promising, but is limited by a lack of examin...
Background & Method: This study was conducted in Department of Physiology, Index Medical College...
Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Health Science Institute Department of Rehabilitation, Physic...
A. Nelson, J. Friday, & G. Loomer Bethel University, St. Paul, MN PURPOSE: The purpose of this study...
This study investigated the psychological effects of yoga on adult’s mood such as stress, anxiety an...
Objective: This study investigated the effects of the breathing practice in vinyasa yoga on heart ra...