žetak Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos empatije i moralnog distanciranja objašnjenju ponašanja promatrača vršnjačkog nasilja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 325 učenika (158 dječaka i 167 djevojčica ) iz dviju zagrebačkih osnovnih škola, čija je prosječna dob iznosila 13 godina. Pri prikupljanju podataka korišteni su sljedeći instrumenti: Skala emocionalne empatije (Raboteg-Šarić, 2002), prilagođena verzija Skale moralnog distanciranja u odnosu na vršnjačko nasilje (The Moral Disengagement Regarding School Bullying Scale; Hymel i sur.,2005) i prilagođena verzija Upitnika uloga sudionika (Participant Role Questionnaire; Salmivalli i sur., 1996). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako djevojčice u odnosu na dječake u man...
Sprječavanje vršnjačkog zlostavljanja od posebne je važnosti za stvaranje pozitivne i atmosfere pri...
Introduction: Pupils who observe bullying can adopt a number of different roles: (1) assistants, who...
This study investigated the prospective association between moral disengagement and bystander behavi...
žetak Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos empatije i moralnog distanciranja objaš...
Medvrstniško nasilje se pogosto dogaja pred opazovalci, ki v večini primerov ne ukrepajo. V magistrs...
U ovom istraživanju provjerili smo odnose između nasilnog ponašanja, samopoštovanja, školskog uspjeh...
Moral disengagement and empathy have been linked to aggression in traditional bullying. A number of ...
School bullying is a prevalent problem in Canadian schools and is associated with multiple negative ...
The study focused on the role of empathy, social intelligence and moral disengagement on bullying an...
School bullying occurs when a student is repeatedly exposed to negative actions by other students. T...
När elever blir utsatta för kränkningar finns ofta andra elever närvarande som åskådare. Dessa åskåd...
This study aimed to evaluate which aspects of moral disengagement (MD), empathy, and representations...
The present study investigated the extent to which moral disengagement and the tendency to consider ...
The aim of the present study was to investigate how basic moral sensitivity in bullying, moral disen...
Studiens första syfte var att bidra med en analys av huruvida mekanismer inom moraliskt disengagema...
Sprječavanje vršnjačkog zlostavljanja od posebne je važnosti za stvaranje pozitivne i atmosfere pri...
Introduction: Pupils who observe bullying can adopt a number of different roles: (1) assistants, who...
This study investigated the prospective association between moral disengagement and bystander behavi...
žetak Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos empatije i moralnog distanciranja objaš...
Medvrstniško nasilje se pogosto dogaja pred opazovalci, ki v večini primerov ne ukrepajo. V magistrs...
U ovom istraživanju provjerili smo odnose između nasilnog ponašanja, samopoštovanja, školskog uspjeh...
Moral disengagement and empathy have been linked to aggression in traditional bullying. A number of ...
School bullying is a prevalent problem in Canadian schools and is associated with multiple negative ...
The study focused on the role of empathy, social intelligence and moral disengagement on bullying an...
School bullying occurs when a student is repeatedly exposed to negative actions by other students. T...
När elever blir utsatta för kränkningar finns ofta andra elever närvarande som åskådare. Dessa åskåd...
This study aimed to evaluate which aspects of moral disengagement (MD), empathy, and representations...
The present study investigated the extent to which moral disengagement and the tendency to consider ...
The aim of the present study was to investigate how basic moral sensitivity in bullying, moral disen...
Studiens första syfte var att bidra med en analys av huruvida mekanismer inom moraliskt disengagema...
Sprječavanje vršnjačkog zlostavljanja od posebne je važnosti za stvaranje pozitivne i atmosfere pri...
Introduction: Pupils who observe bullying can adopt a number of different roles: (1) assistants, who...
This study investigated the prospective association between moral disengagement and bystander behavi...