Scientific and technological advances in the area of integrated circuits have allowed the performance of microprocessors to grow exponentially since the late 1960’s. However, the imbalance between processor and memory bus capacity has increased in recent years. The increasing on-chip-parallelism of multi-core processors has turned the memory subsystem into a key factor for achieving high performance. When two or more processes share the memory subsystem their execution times typically increase, even at relatively low levels of memory traffic. Current research shows that a throughput increase of up to 40% is possible if the job-scheduler can minimizes the slowdown caused by memory contention in industrial multi-core systems such as high perf...
In this paper, we present a scheduling scheme to estimate the turnaround time of parallel...
Consolidation consists in scheduling multiple virtual machines onto fewer servers in order to improv...
Most applications share the resources of networked workstations with other applications. Since syste...
Applications running concurrently on a multicore system interfere with each other at the main memory...
Applications running concurrently on a multicore system in-terfere with each other at the main memor...
In a multi-core system, interference at shared resources (such as caches and main memory) slows down...
Abstract. We develop a new metric for job scheduling that in-cludes the effects of memory contention...
Co-scheduling processes on different cores in the same server might lead to excessive slowdowns if t...
Integrated circuits have been in constant progression since the first prototype in 1958, with the se...
Efficient data supply to the processor is the one of the keys to achieve high performance. However, ...
Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the architecture of choice for high-performance general-purp...
In this paper, we investigate the problem of contention and loss of predictability in modern microco...
International audienceMemory interferences may introduce important slowdowns in applications running...
We propose a low overhead, on-line memory monitor-ing scheme utilizing a set of novel hardware count...
Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüftAbweichender Titel nach Übersetz...
In this paper, we present a scheduling scheme to estimate the turnaround time of parallel...
Consolidation consists in scheduling multiple virtual machines onto fewer servers in order to improv...
Most applications share the resources of networked workstations with other applications. Since syste...
Applications running concurrently on a multicore system interfere with each other at the main memory...
Applications running concurrently on a multicore system in-terfere with each other at the main memor...
In a multi-core system, interference at shared resources (such as caches and main memory) slows down...
Abstract. We develop a new metric for job scheduling that in-cludes the effects of memory contention...
Co-scheduling processes on different cores in the same server might lead to excessive slowdowns if t...
Integrated circuits have been in constant progression since the first prototype in 1958, with the se...
Efficient data supply to the processor is the one of the keys to achieve high performance. However, ...
Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the architecture of choice for high-performance general-purp...
In this paper, we investigate the problem of contention and loss of predictability in modern microco...
International audienceMemory interferences may introduce important slowdowns in applications running...
We propose a low overhead, on-line memory monitor-ing scheme utilizing a set of novel hardware count...
Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüftAbweichender Titel nach Übersetz...
In this paper, we present a scheduling scheme to estimate the turnaround time of parallel...
Consolidation consists in scheduling multiple virtual machines onto fewer servers in order to improv...
Most applications share the resources of networked workstations with other applications. Since syste...