Jarebica kamenjarka grivna (Alectoris graeca) pripadnica je porodice poljskih koka. Od nekoliko predstavnika roda Alectoris, jedino je grivna autohtona kod nas. Udio vode, proteina, masti, sastav masnih kiselina i boja ispitivani su u prsnom mišiću jarebice kamenjarke grivne. Srednja vrijednost udjela vode u prsnom mišiću jarebica kamenjarki kreće se od 71,83% do 75,09%. Udio proteina iznosi 19,78% do 21,33% odnosno, izraženo na suhu tvar 740,67 gkg-1 do 782,71 gkg-1. Količina masti kreće se u rasponu od 4,31 gkg-1 do 35,72 gkg-1, također izraženo na suhu tvar. Omjer omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina je u preporučenom odnosu (1:1), s jednim izuzetkom (8,15:1). Omjer PUFA/SFA kreće se od 0,85 do 1,67. Vrijednosti parametara za boju (L*, a*, ...
U fazaneriji Božur koja se nalazi u mjestu Satnica Đakovačka uzorkovana su fazanska jaja za potrebe ...
© 2019 Lesotekhnicheski Universitet (University of Forestry). All rights reserved. Rock partridge (A...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of production system, slaughter age, and gender on ...
Jarebica kamenjarka grivna (Alectoris graeca) pripadnica je porodice poljskih koka. Od nekoliko pred...
Jarebica kamenjarka (Alectoris graeca M.) je jedina autohtona vrsta iz roda Alectoris te je nalazimo...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti osnovni kemijski sastav te sastav masnih kiselina prsnog miši...
The aim of our study was to evaluate the nutritional value of the breast and thigh muscle of chukar ...
Characteristics of muscle fibers of breast and leg muscles of grey partridges Perdix perdix. The exp...
In the last decades, the release of large numbers of farmed-reared birds became a widespread managem...
U radu su prikazani opći podaci o jarebici kamenjarki (Alectoris graeca Meisner),opis staništa, nači...
The experimental material included grey partridges Perdix perdix planned for re-introduction into th...
Ring necked pheasant is the most significant game bird in Hungary. Around 300.000 pheasant harvested...
The aim of the presented work was the observation of the live weight, growth intensity, feed convers...
Cilj rada je opisati i pobliže upoznati trčku skvržulju (Perdix perdix L.), te istaknuti njezinu pov...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to determine the impact of caponisation of Polbar (Pb) and Greenle...
U fazaneriji Božur koja se nalazi u mjestu Satnica Đakovačka uzorkovana su fazanska jaja za potrebe ...
© 2019 Lesotekhnicheski Universitet (University of Forestry). All rights reserved. Rock partridge (A...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of production system, slaughter age, and gender on ...
Jarebica kamenjarka grivna (Alectoris graeca) pripadnica je porodice poljskih koka. Od nekoliko pred...
Jarebica kamenjarka (Alectoris graeca M.) je jedina autohtona vrsta iz roda Alectoris te je nalazimo...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti osnovni kemijski sastav te sastav masnih kiselina prsnog miši...
The aim of our study was to evaluate the nutritional value of the breast and thigh muscle of chukar ...
Characteristics of muscle fibers of breast and leg muscles of grey partridges Perdix perdix. The exp...
In the last decades, the release of large numbers of farmed-reared birds became a widespread managem...
U radu su prikazani opći podaci o jarebici kamenjarki (Alectoris graeca Meisner),opis staništa, nači...
The experimental material included grey partridges Perdix perdix planned for re-introduction into th...
Ring necked pheasant is the most significant game bird in Hungary. Around 300.000 pheasant harvested...
The aim of the presented work was the observation of the live weight, growth intensity, feed convers...
Cilj rada je opisati i pobliže upoznati trčku skvržulju (Perdix perdix L.), te istaknuti njezinu pov...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to determine the impact of caponisation of Polbar (Pb) and Greenle...
U fazaneriji Božur koja se nalazi u mjestu Satnica Đakovačka uzorkovana su fazanska jaja za potrebe ...
© 2019 Lesotekhnicheski Universitet (University of Forestry). All rights reserved. Rock partridge (A...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of production system, slaughter age, and gender on ...