The article analyzes a medium¬ like creation of a poet in Czesław Miłosz’s writings. In his works a poet is presented as a chosen man, stigmatized with an artistic destiny, dependent on ‘forces’ and ‘voices’. Splitting poet’s consciousness enables a medium-like relation, called ‘instrumental’ by Miłosz: the artist is being passively subjected to voices like an instrument. The lyric of hauntings, created this way, shows a poet inspired by daimonion’s voice and so regarded as theios aner. Miłosz recalls an antic tradition and the idea of divine inspiration (daimon) but above all the idea of daimonion created by Socrates: daimonion is perceived here as ‘a voice of god’, or ‘a divine touch’. In Miłosz’s poems that have a soliloqium form, the vo...