We study the distribution of the resistance fluctuations of biased resistor networks in nonequilibrium steady states. The stationary conditions arise from the competition between two stochastic and biased processes of breaking and recovery of the elementary resistors. The fluctuations of the network resistance are calculated by Monte Carlo simulations which are performed for different values of the applied current, for networks of different size and shape and by considering different levels of intrinsic disorder. The distribution of the resistance fluctuations generally exhibits relevant deviations from Gaussianity, in particular when the current approaches the threshold of electrical breakdown. For two-dimensional systems we have shown tha...
The influence of small electric field on the nature of resistance fluctuations in a one-dimensional ...
The distribution of return intervals of extreme events is studied in time series characterized by f...
We study the current flow paths between two edges in a random resistor network on a Ltimes L square ...
We study the distribution of resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with different levels ...
The distribution of resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with granular structure near el...
We consider a two-dimensional random resistor network (RRN) in the presence of two competing biased ...
The distribution oif resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with granular structure near t...
We study the resistance fluctuation distribution of a thin film near electrical breakdown. The film ...
The state of a two-dimensional random resistor network, resulting from the simultaneous evolutions o...
Recently we have developed a new statistical approach which allows the study of the electrical noise...
In a random resistor network we consider the simultaneous evolution of two competing random processe...
The statistics of large currents (tensions) in large random resistor (elastic) networks of two finit...
We consider the critical properties of the two-point resistance and its fluctuations due to microsco...
We study the effective resistance of small-world resistor networks. Utilizing recent analytic result...
The distribution of return intervals of extreme events is studied in time series characterized by fi...
The influence of small electric field on the nature of resistance fluctuations in a one-dimensional ...
The distribution of return intervals of extreme events is studied in time series characterized by f...
We study the current flow paths between two edges in a random resistor network on a Ltimes L square ...
We study the distribution of resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with different levels ...
The distribution of resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with granular structure near el...
We consider a two-dimensional random resistor network (RRN) in the presence of two competing biased ...
The distribution oif resistance fluctuations of conducting thin films with granular structure near t...
We study the resistance fluctuation distribution of a thin film near electrical breakdown. The film ...
The state of a two-dimensional random resistor network, resulting from the simultaneous evolutions o...
Recently we have developed a new statistical approach which allows the study of the electrical noise...
In a random resistor network we consider the simultaneous evolution of two competing random processe...
The statistics of large currents (tensions) in large random resistor (elastic) networks of two finit...
We consider the critical properties of the two-point resistance and its fluctuations due to microsco...
We study the effective resistance of small-world resistor networks. Utilizing recent analytic result...
The distribution of return intervals of extreme events is studied in time series characterized by fi...
The influence of small electric field on the nature of resistance fluctuations in a one-dimensional ...
The distribution of return intervals of extreme events is studied in time series characterized by f...
We study the current flow paths between two edges in a random resistor network on a Ltimes L square ...