Secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2s) are a group of extracellular enzymes that release fatty acids at the sn-2 position of phospholipids. Group IIA sPLA2 has been detected in inflammatory fluids, and its plasma level is increased in inflammatory diseases. To investigate a potential mechanism of sPLA2-induced inflammation we studied the effect of group IA (from cobra venom) and group IIA (human synovial) sPLA2s on human macrophages. Both sPLA2s induced a concentration- and Ca21-dependent, noncytotoxic release of b-glucuronidase (16.2 6 2.4% and 13.1 6 1.5% of the total content with groups IA and IIA, respectively). Both sPLA2s also increased the rate of secretion of IL-6 and enhanced the expression of IL-6 mRNA. Preincubation of macroph...