The concept of diminished responsibility was first introduced in Lithuania in 2000 with the enactment of the new Criminal Code. Because it was considered that diminished responsibility could be a constituent of infanticide, the problem arose of the relationship between diminished responsibility (Article 18) and infanticide (Article 131). Taking this into consideration and looking at regulation in foreign countries, the newest scientific research into infanticide and the most relevant case law, the relationship between these areas is revealed. At the same time, the necessity of article 131 is questioned and the cases of applicability of article 18 and article 131 are analyzed. The authors of this study found that “a state resulting after gi...
The article analyses some issues regarding the qualification of negligent deprivation of life pertai...
Lietuvoje dar iki naujojo baudžiamojo kodekso priėmimo 2000 metais buvo atkreiptas dėmesys į asmenų ...
The Master thesis analyses civil liability after suspending parental authority by a court judgement....
The concept of a privileged murder is analyzed in the Master‘s thesis in order to answer the questio...
Straipsnyje, pasitelkus Jungtinės Karalystės (įskaitant Škotiją), Vokietijos, Prancūzijos ir Rusijos...
Since there was no possibility to diminish criminal responsibility of individuals who committed crim...
A newborn’s murder committed by his/her mother always causes an exceptional emotional response in th...
Remarks on an offence treatedless severely from the perspective of infanticideThe introductory part ...
U većini suvremenih zemalja ubojstvo djeteta od strane majke za vrijeme ili kratko vrijeme nakon po...
This article analyses some aspects of the criminalization of the involvement of a child in a crimin...
Tarptautinė bendruomenė iš visų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių prioritetu laiko žmogaus teisę į gyvybę. ...
Objective basing on the study of criminal legislation and practice of its application in criminal ca...
There has been an infanticide crime in Sweden since the sixteenth century. In the past 100 years, it...
Niniejsza praca ukazuje problematykę dzieciobójstwa w świetle prawa karnego. Potocznie dzieciobójstw...
This article analyses diminished capacity in Lithuanian penal law: its historical development, pecul...
The article analyses some issues regarding the qualification of negligent deprivation of life pertai...
Lietuvoje dar iki naujojo baudžiamojo kodekso priėmimo 2000 metais buvo atkreiptas dėmesys į asmenų ...
The Master thesis analyses civil liability after suspending parental authority by a court judgement....
The concept of a privileged murder is analyzed in the Master‘s thesis in order to answer the questio...
Straipsnyje, pasitelkus Jungtinės Karalystės (įskaitant Škotiją), Vokietijos, Prancūzijos ir Rusijos...
Since there was no possibility to diminish criminal responsibility of individuals who committed crim...
A newborn’s murder committed by his/her mother always causes an exceptional emotional response in th...
Remarks on an offence treatedless severely from the perspective of infanticideThe introductory part ...
U većini suvremenih zemalja ubojstvo djeteta od strane majke za vrijeme ili kratko vrijeme nakon po...
This article analyses some aspects of the criminalization of the involvement of a child in a crimin...
Tarptautinė bendruomenė iš visų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių prioritetu laiko žmogaus teisę į gyvybę. ...
Objective basing on the study of criminal legislation and practice of its application in criminal ca...
There has been an infanticide crime in Sweden since the sixteenth century. In the past 100 years, it...
Niniejsza praca ukazuje problematykę dzieciobójstwa w świetle prawa karnego. Potocznie dzieciobójstw...
This article analyses diminished capacity in Lithuanian penal law: its historical development, pecul...
The article analyses some issues regarding the qualification of negligent deprivation of life pertai...
Lietuvoje dar iki naujojo baudžiamojo kodekso priėmimo 2000 metais buvo atkreiptas dėmesys į asmenų ...
The Master thesis analyses civil liability after suspending parental authority by a court judgement....