The article points that after the formation of independent state of Lithuania there was almost no literature in Lithuanian language on police and law in general. However, in the third decade due to continuous strengthening of the State and the beginning of publishing of the periodicals (“Militia news”, “Police”) and other publications the lack of such literature was eliminated, the strong foundations for publishing literature on Police and law were laid. There were even more similar literature published in the fourth decade pre-war Lithuania, according to the author's research. The article outlines the police literature in chronological order. The analytical evaluation of certain publications and police textbooks (of 1925, 1926, 1933 editio...
This review is focused on the evaluation of the textbook aimed for use in training of officers of th...
The article discusses the methodological problems of the jurisprudence, relationship between the ap...
Straipsnyje analizuojama policijos pareigūnų rengimo institucinės sistemos raida Lietuvoje 1990–2000...
Pirmosiomis policijos kūrimosi dienomis į policiją atėję dirbti žmonės buvo menkai pasirengę policij...
This article deals with the course of the police science in Lithuania from it’s very first steps til...
The article strives to disclose the higher police education in Lithuania. Higher education can best ...
Straipsnyje analizuojama nepilnamečių nusikaltėlių reikalų policijos nuovadų veikla Lietuvoje 1938-1...
The article analyses the development of police officer preparing system in Lithuania in a period of ...
The present article analyses police service at Kaunas County in 1918–1933. In 1918, when Lithuania r...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos nepilnamečių baudimo, įstatymų leidybos problemos, susijusios su tarpukario...
The article aims at highlighting the organizational aspects of police reforms. According to the auth...
Kauno miesto ir apskrities viešoji policija pradėjo veikti pasibaigus Pirmajam pasauliniam karui. Ku...
In the article, the aspects of the Lithuanian police training system, related to the administration ...
The article strives to disclose the higher police education at the Faculty of Public Security Mykola...
The article deals with enforcement of policing in Lithuania. Enforcement of policing in the market e...
This review is focused on the evaluation of the textbook aimed for use in training of officers of th...
The article discusses the methodological problems of the jurisprudence, relationship between the ap...
Straipsnyje analizuojama policijos pareigūnų rengimo institucinės sistemos raida Lietuvoje 1990–2000...
Pirmosiomis policijos kūrimosi dienomis į policiją atėję dirbti žmonės buvo menkai pasirengę policij...
This article deals with the course of the police science in Lithuania from it’s very first steps til...
The article strives to disclose the higher police education in Lithuania. Higher education can best ...
Straipsnyje analizuojama nepilnamečių nusikaltėlių reikalų policijos nuovadų veikla Lietuvoje 1938-1...
The article analyses the development of police officer preparing system in Lithuania in a period of ...
The present article analyses police service at Kaunas County in 1918–1933. In 1918, when Lithuania r...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos nepilnamečių baudimo, įstatymų leidybos problemos, susijusios su tarpukario...
The article aims at highlighting the organizational aspects of police reforms. According to the auth...
Kauno miesto ir apskrities viešoji policija pradėjo veikti pasibaigus Pirmajam pasauliniam karui. Ku...
In the article, the aspects of the Lithuanian police training system, related to the administration ...
The article strives to disclose the higher police education at the Faculty of Public Security Mykola...
The article deals with enforcement of policing in Lithuania. Enforcement of policing in the market e...
This review is focused on the evaluation of the textbook aimed for use in training of officers of th...
The article discusses the methodological problems of the jurisprudence, relationship between the ap...
Straipsnyje analizuojama policijos pareigūnų rengimo institucinės sistemos raida Lietuvoje 1990–2000...