Family disputes are one of the major growth areas for mediation in USA, Canada and many European countries. Mediation is just starting to be used in Lithuania. The first exeprimental court mediation project was ratified in 2005. Mediation is going to be tendered in civil cases. Nevertheless family mediaton was not distinguished as a special service. In this articel we made an attempt to analyse experience of foreign countries in the family mediation and to consider psychological aspects of family mediation. Analysis of literature helped to formulate suggestions for family mediation model in Lithuania. It is important to inform those seeking legal aid in family disputes about the availability of family mediation. It is important to include p...
Straipsnyje analizuojama viena iš klasikinės mediacijos variacijų – privaloma mediacija, kuri užsien...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt mediācijas tiesiskos aspektus un problemātiku ģimenes strīdu risin...
The work deals the term mediation, history of family mediation, personality of the mediator and his ...
Šeimos ginčai yra viena populiariausių mediacijos sričių JAV, Kanadoje ir daugelyje Vakarų Europos š...
Family mediation as a method of resolving family disputes Family disputes rank among the most mental...
Šiame darbe siekiama išnagrinėti mediacijos instituto taikymą šeimos bylose Lietuvoje įvertinant ar ...
The authoress focuses her attention on the social and educational consequences of family mediation. ...
More than four years have passed since the beginning of the Pilot Court Mediation Project in Lithuan...
Significance of family mediation in the resolution of legal conflicts in a family The purpose of my ...
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of family mediation, both voluntary mediation and court-or...
This article deals with the problems which emerge during the implementation of mediation in the civi...
In this article the main features and development trends of mediation as an alternative dispute reso...
Mediation is an alternative to traditional legal conflict resolution forms. This alternative dispute...
The subject of this thesis is family mediation as a means for solving conflicts in family. In this w...
This thesis deals with the issue of family mediation and its utilization within social work with fam...
Straipsnyje analizuojama viena iš klasikinės mediacijos variacijų – privaloma mediacija, kuri užsien...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt mediācijas tiesiskos aspektus un problemātiku ģimenes strīdu risin...
The work deals the term mediation, history of family mediation, personality of the mediator and his ...
Šeimos ginčai yra viena populiariausių mediacijos sričių JAV, Kanadoje ir daugelyje Vakarų Europos š...
Family mediation as a method of resolving family disputes Family disputes rank among the most mental...
Šiame darbe siekiama išnagrinėti mediacijos instituto taikymą šeimos bylose Lietuvoje įvertinant ar ...
The authoress focuses her attention on the social and educational consequences of family mediation. ...
More than four years have passed since the beginning of the Pilot Court Mediation Project in Lithuan...
Significance of family mediation in the resolution of legal conflicts in a family The purpose of my ...
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of family mediation, both voluntary mediation and court-or...
This article deals with the problems which emerge during the implementation of mediation in the civi...
In this article the main features and development trends of mediation as an alternative dispute reso...
Mediation is an alternative to traditional legal conflict resolution forms. This alternative dispute...
The subject of this thesis is family mediation as a means for solving conflicts in family. In this w...
This thesis deals with the issue of family mediation and its utilization within social work with fam...
Straipsnyje analizuojama viena iš klasikinės mediacijos variacijų – privaloma mediacija, kuri užsien...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt mediācijas tiesiskos aspektus un problemātiku ģimenes strīdu risin...
The work deals the term mediation, history of family mediation, personality of the mediator and his ...