Šiame straipsnyje bandoma atskleisti romantizmo, kaip pasaulėjautos ir metodo, atspindžius režisieriaus Rimo Tumino kūryboje. Atsižvelgiant į žaidybinį romantizmo pobūdį, R. Tumino spektaklių poetika ir estetika analizuojama per žaidimo teorijos prizmę.This article attempts to reveal the reflections of romanticism as an expression of a world-view and method in the works of director Rimas Tuminas. Considering the playful nature of romanticism, the poetics and aesthetics of Tuminas’ plays are analyzed through a prism of game theory. The playful aesthetics of Tuminas’ plays is perceived through the director’s romantic-joking outlook, which determines a special relationship with the drama texts, genre transformations in plays and the stylistic ...