この地震は昭和11年2月21日午前10時8分頃起つたもので,被害程度よりすれば強震と言ふべき局部性地震であった.共の被害の比較的著しく現はれたところは,大阪府と奈良縣との境界附近の大和川の本支兩流域及兩府縣界をなす葛城山脈中の二上山麓であつた.筆者は地震直後數日に亙り被害各地を調査した。しかし被害輕微なりし故,復舊速かにして建物,墓石,燈籠等の震害の實相を見るのに不便な場合もあつた.これより各地め被害情況を述ベ,更に被害と地質及地形との關係について,若干の考察を下して見たい.A strong earthquake shock was felt on the boundary between Osaka and Nara prefecture at 10h 8m, on the 21st of February, Railway, telephone and other communication services were crippled for a time, while many buildings were damaged and a number of landslips reported, There were also same who were crushed to death under landslips and collapsed heavy walls. In this paper the writer remarked the following two interesting matters: (i) Damages to building are divided into two kinds, namely: in hard ground, he...
The Matsushiro earthquake swarm commenced in August 1965, the activity reaching the first peak in No...
The earthquake which shook Osaka and the surrounding country on Feb. 21st, 1936, has, from the point...
関東地方の地震活動を気象要覧(1924~1950),地震月報(1951~1956)を用いて局発地震のAnnual numberの変動によつて調べた.これらの資料に地震があつたとよく報告される地名を代表...
The earthquake which shook Osaka and the surrounding country on Feb. 21st, 1936, has, from the point...
1. On April 30th, 1962 the northern part of Miyagi Pref. suffered a considerable earthquake. The epi...
To study the process of occurrence of shallow earthquakes in and near Japan, the space and the time ...
On August 19, 1961, a local but destructive earthquake occurred in the mountains of the Kita Mino di...
The Northern Miyagi Earthquake on April 30th, 1962 shook almost the same area as the Northern Rikuze...
The Matsushiro earthquake swarm commenced in August 1965, the activity reaching the first peak in No...
The earthquake which shook Osaka and the surrounding country on Feb. 21st, 1936, has, from the point...
関東地方の地震活動を気象要覧(1924~1950),地震月報(1951~1956)を用いて局発地震のAnnual numberの変動によつて調べた.これらの資料に地震があつたとよく報告される地名を代表...
The earthquake which shook Osaka and the surrounding country on Feb. 21st, 1936, has, from the point...
1. On April 30th, 1962 the northern part of Miyagi Pref. suffered a considerable earthquake. The epi...
To study the process of occurrence of shallow earthquakes in and near Japan, the space and the time ...
On August 19, 1961, a local but destructive earthquake occurred in the mountains of the Kita Mino di...
The Northern Miyagi Earthquake on April 30th, 1962 shook almost the same area as the Northern Rikuze...
The Matsushiro earthquake swarm commenced in August 1965, the activity reaching the first peak in No...