独立直前の「社会革命」と1990年代の内戦というルワンダにおける2つの紛争を比較し,後者がジェノサイドヘと至ったメカニズムを考察する.2つの紛争はいずれも国家権力闘争に発する内戦であり,それがエスニックな紛争へと転化した点で似ているが,犠牲者の数は圧倒的に異なる.ジェノサイドが可能になったのは,権力喪失の危機感を抱いた急進派が特定のエスニック集団の殺戮を正当化するイデオロギーを流布し,かつ地方行政機構をはじめとする国家機構を動員して民間人の殺戮を実践したからであった.こうした国家機構を通じた動員は,独立後冷戦下に存立した国家のあり方に由来する.国際環境の変化がこうした国家を脆弱化させて紛争を引き起こす一方,従来の体制下で成立した動員システムを急進派が利用し,組織的な暴力が行使されたためにジェノサイドに至ったといえる.Rwanda experienced two major internal conflicts in the recent history : the ""Social Revolution"" at the end of colonial period and the civil war in the 1990s. Although two conflicts have some similar characteristics, the numbers of victims are quite different, as the latter turned into the genocide, causing more than 500,000 deaths. The two most important factors that caused the geno...
Diskriminace etnických skupin má ve Rwandě hluboké kořeny. Po mnoho desítek let byli Tutsiové označo...
county, slightly smaller than the state of Maryland. It has a population of 8,440,820, of whom 85 % ...
Rwanda: The Preventable Genocidehttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/rawson_rwanda/1070/thumbnail.jp
El siglo XX fue, entre otras cientos de características, el siglo de los genocidios. Sin embargo, e...
The Rwandan Genocide occurred between April and July of 1994. Within those four months, approximatel...
Vingt ans après le génocide rwandais, le Nord-Kivu reste fortement marqué par les métastases de cett...
The primary objective of this research is to critically examine the elements that caused the 1994 ge...
Approximately 850,000 were killed during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The systematic slaughter of me...
The main aim of my diploma thesis is to find guilty and responsible for the genocide in Rwanda in 19...
Over a period of 100 days between April and mid-July of 1994, the Rwandan genocide claimed the lives...
A review of: Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide i...
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
List of Some of the Rwandese Refugees Killed in Burundi Recentlyhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu...
Diskriminace etnických skupin má ve Rwandě hluboké kořeny. Po mnoho desítek let byli Tutsiové označo...
county, slightly smaller than the state of Maryland. It has a population of 8,440,820, of whom 85 % ...
Rwanda: The Preventable Genocidehttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/rawson_rwanda/1070/thumbnail.jp
El siglo XX fue, entre otras cientos de características, el siglo de los genocidios. Sin embargo, e...
The Rwandan Genocide occurred between April and July of 1994. Within those four months, approximatel...
Vingt ans après le génocide rwandais, le Nord-Kivu reste fortement marqué par les métastases de cett...
The primary objective of this research is to critically examine the elements that caused the 1994 ge...
Approximately 850,000 were killed during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The systematic slaughter of me...
The main aim of my diploma thesis is to find guilty and responsible for the genocide in Rwanda in 19...
Over a period of 100 days between April and mid-July of 1994, the Rwandan genocide claimed the lives...
A review of: Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide i...
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
List of Some of the Rwandese Refugees Killed in Burundi Recentlyhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu...
Diskriminace etnických skupin má ve Rwandě hluboké kořeny. Po mnoho desítek let byli Tutsiové označo...
county, slightly smaller than the state of Maryland. It has a population of 8,440,820, of whom 85 % ...
Rwanda: The Preventable Genocidehttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/rawson_rwanda/1070/thumbnail.jp