List of Some of the Rwandese Refugees Killed in Burundi Recently
Senate Resolution on Rwanda April 25, 1994
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
Notes on refugee conference and other events.
Genocide in Rwanda: Documentation of Two Massacres during April 1994https://digitalcommons.georgefox...
National Broadcast February 20, 1995 Box 5, Folder 8
Rwanda Civil Disturbance DHA-Geneva Situation Report no. 16 Box 6, Folder 2
Rwanda: The Preventable Genocide
One page of notes about happenings in Kigali, Rwanda. The other pages are about recent actions under...
Refugee Fact Sheet April 1992 Box 5, Folder 12
A Selected Chronology of the Rwanda Crisis April 5, 1994 - September 30, 1994https://digitalcommons....
Rwanda-- OAU to Investigate 1994 Genocide Source: Kigali Radio Rwanda in Englishhttps://digitalcommo...
Site Visit to Rwanda, Zaire, and Burundi
RPF Issues Statement of Burundi Government
Site Visit Notes Rwandan Refugees: Updated Findings and Recommendations
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
Senate Resolution on Rwanda April 25, 1994
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
Notes on refugee conference and other events.
Genocide in Rwanda: Documentation of Two Massacres during April 1994https://digitalcommons.georgefox...
National Broadcast February 20, 1995 Box 5, Folder 8
Rwanda Civil Disturbance DHA-Geneva Situation Report no. 16 Box 6, Folder 2
Rwanda: The Preventable Genocide
One page of notes about happenings in Kigali, Rwanda. The other pages are about recent actions under...
Refugee Fact Sheet April 1992 Box 5, Folder 12
A Selected Chronology of the Rwanda Crisis April 5, 1994 - September 30, 1994https://digitalcommons....
Rwanda-- OAU to Investigate 1994 Genocide Source: Kigali Radio Rwanda in Englishhttps://digitalcommo...
Site Visit to Rwanda, Zaire, and Burundi
RPF Issues Statement of Burundi Government
Site Visit Notes Rwandan Refugees: Updated Findings and Recommendations
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
Senate Resolution on Rwanda April 25, 1994
Document collected by the University of Texas Libraries from the web-site of the Reseau Documentaire...
Notes on refugee conference and other events.