日本における家族の歴史社会学研究の蓄積について,とくに隣接領域である家族社会学との関連においてレビューする.その際,80年代以降に若手フェミニスト研究者たちを中心的担い手として展開した「近代家族」論に注目し,それが,家族をめぐる学問領域においてもっていた意味と意義を確認する.その上で,ポストモダン・フェミニズムを経た新たなジェンダー概念の導入により,「ジェンダー家族」という概念を提起し,日本近代の天皇制と家族に関する分析を行なう.結論として,家族の歴史社会学的研究を現代に生かしていく方途を提言する.Firstly, the paper reviews the studies in the field of historical sociology of family accumulated since the 1960 s in Japan. The review focuses on how historical sociology of family came to distinguish itself from family sociology in late 1980s and 90s. Young feminist scholars played crucial role to lead the intellectual trend. Secondly, the author tries to extend the concept of \u27modern family\u27to \u27gendered family\u27by introducing the new idea of gender developed in postmodern feminis...
Denna uppsats handlar om hur Japans familjestruktur har förändrats sedan slutet av andra världskrige...
The family has often been seen as a transhistorical institution and in many times and places has bee...
As a result of rapid change of the modern society, the family has changed in many aspects. These cha...
The globalization of the economy has had several effects on the internal affairs of societies and ex...
[[abstract]]在日本的政界,許多人藉著「政略結婚」形成了「閨閥」,並因此鞏固家族的政治影響力。特別是在長期執政的自民黨內,有3 分之1 的國會議員是來自政治家庭,使得日本的政治正在變成只是少...
会議名: Symposium "The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Discussing Germany and Japan" (Ger...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest prześledzenie zmian jakie zaszły w strukturze japońskiej rodziny od lat ...
論説 / Article高度経済成長後の農村家族は、兼業化の進展、都市的生活様式、成員の個人化や平等化の浸透をいっそう深化させ、そのかたちを大きく変容させてきた。こうした変容の過程で、現代日本の農村家...
The family has been the most significant subject of enquiry in sociology over many decades, although...
Bakalaura darbā „Vīrieša loma japāņu ģimenē – tradīcijas un izmaiņas mūsdienu sabiedrībā” tiek pētīt...
Some of the ideals about women, marriage and family which exist in Japan today can be traced back to...
Denna uppsats handlar om hur Japans familjestruktur har förändrats sedan slutet av andra världskrige...
The family has often been seen as a transhistorical institution and in many times and places has bee...
As a result of rapid change of the modern society, the family has changed in many aspects. These cha...
The globalization of the economy has had several effects on the internal affairs of societies and ex...
[[abstract]]在日本的政界,許多人藉著「政略結婚」形成了「閨閥」,並因此鞏固家族的政治影響力。特別是在長期執政的自民黨內,有3 分之1 的國會議員是來自政治家庭,使得日本的政治正在變成只是少...
会議名: Symposium "The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Discussing Germany and Japan" (Ger...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest prześledzenie zmian jakie zaszły w strukturze japońskiej rodziny od lat ...
論説 / Article高度経済成長後の農村家族は、兼業化の進展、都市的生活様式、成員の個人化や平等化の浸透をいっそう深化させ、そのかたちを大きく変容させてきた。こうした変容の過程で、現代日本の農村家...
The family has been the most significant subject of enquiry in sociology over many decades, although...
Bakalaura darbā „Vīrieša loma japāņu ģimenē – tradīcijas un izmaiņas mūsdienu sabiedrībā” tiek pētīt...
Some of the ideals about women, marriage and family which exist in Japan today can be traced back to...
Denna uppsats handlar om hur Japans familjestruktur har förändrats sedan slutet av andra världskrige...
The family has often been seen as a transhistorical institution and in many times and places has bee...