The coastal aquifer of Bou-Areg (Morocco) has been studied to identify the main processes causing groundwater salinization, using a multi tracer (general chemistry and isotopes - δ2H, δ18O, δ13C, δ15NNO3, δ18ONO3) geochemical approach. Groundwater is characterized by the widespread occurrence of brackish waters (TDS<500mgL-1) with high cation contents, which are balanced by elevated dissolved NO3- (reaching a maximum of 208mgL-1) and Cl-. Lagoon samples represent a mixture of fresh water and sea water, showing a Na/Cl ratio in agreement with that of sea water and an excess of Ca. The high Ca values represent the main peculiarity of the groundwater-lagoon water system. Two types of groundwater could be identified: (i) freshwater, separate...