Signals and cues are fundamental to social interactions. A well-established concept in the study of animal communication is an amplifier, defined as a trait that does not add extra information to that already present in the original cue or signal, but rather enhances the fidelity with which variation in the original cue or signal is correctly perceived. Attenuators as the logical compliment of amplifiers: attenuators act to reduce the fidelity with which variation in a signal or cue can be reliably evaluated by the perceivers. Where amplifiers reduce the effect of noise on the perception of variation, attenuators add noise. Attenuators have been subject to much less consideration than amplifiers, however they will be the focus of our theore...
The handicap principle has been the overarching framework to explain the evolution and maintenance o...
Understanding the diversity of animal signals requires knowledge of factors which may influence the ...
SummaryThe study of animal signals began in earnest with the publication in 1872 of Charles Darwin’s...
Signals and cues are extensively used in social interactions across diverse communication systems. H...
The defining problem of animal signalling theory is how reliable communication systems remain stable...
Linguists generally agree that language is designed to convey information from signalers to receiver...
Organisms sometimes appear to use extravagant traits, or “handicaps”, to signal their quality to an ...
Although the study of signals has been part of human behavioral ecology since the field’s inception,...
Simulated evolution is used as a tool for investigating the selective pressures that have influenced...
This thesis presents a new approach to understanding social transmission among nonhuman animals. Dra...
Multiple evolutionary phenomena require individual animals to assess conspecifics based on behaviors...
Although communication underpins many biological processes, its function and basic definition remain...
Communication involves two individuals, a sender and a receiver. In true communication, transfer of ...
How can deceptive communication signals exist in an evolutionarily stable signalling system? To reso...
Short-term adjustments of signal characteristics allow animals to maintain reliable communication in...
The handicap principle has been the overarching framework to explain the evolution and maintenance o...
Understanding the diversity of animal signals requires knowledge of factors which may influence the ...
SummaryThe study of animal signals began in earnest with the publication in 1872 of Charles Darwin’s...
Signals and cues are extensively used in social interactions across diverse communication systems. H...
The defining problem of animal signalling theory is how reliable communication systems remain stable...
Linguists generally agree that language is designed to convey information from signalers to receiver...
Organisms sometimes appear to use extravagant traits, or “handicaps”, to signal their quality to an ...
Although the study of signals has been part of human behavioral ecology since the field’s inception,...
Simulated evolution is used as a tool for investigating the selective pressures that have influenced...
This thesis presents a new approach to understanding social transmission among nonhuman animals. Dra...
Multiple evolutionary phenomena require individual animals to assess conspecifics based on behaviors...
Although communication underpins many biological processes, its function and basic definition remain...
Communication involves two individuals, a sender and a receiver. In true communication, transfer of ...
How can deceptive communication signals exist in an evolutionarily stable signalling system? To reso...
Short-term adjustments of signal characteristics allow animals to maintain reliable communication in...
The handicap principle has been the overarching framework to explain the evolution and maintenance o...
Understanding the diversity of animal signals requires knowledge of factors which may influence the ...
SummaryThe study of animal signals began in earnest with the publication in 1872 of Charles Darwin’s...