Services rely on replication mechanisms to be available at all time. The service demanding high availability is replicated on a set of machines called replicas. To maintain the consistency of replicas, a consensus protocol such as Paxos or Raft is used to synchronize the replicas' state. As a result, failures of a minority of replicas will not affect the service as other non-faulty replicas continue serving requests. A consensus protocol is a procedure to achieve an agreement among processors in a distributed system involving unreliable processors. Unfortunately, achieving such an agreement involves extra processing on every request, imposing a substantial performance degradation. Consequently, performance has long been a concern for ...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
Consensus is an abstraction of a variety of important challenges in dependable distributed systems. ...
Modern network infrastructures rich of logically centralized agents, such as DHCP, AAA, SDN controll...
ABSTRACT Distributed consensus is fundamental in distributed systems for achieving fault-tolerance. ...
Consensus protocols employed in Byzantine fault-tolerant systems are notoriously compute intensive. ...
This thesis presents steps towards simplifying the implementation of robust high performance distrib...
International audienceConsensus (agreeing on a sequence of commands) is central to the operation and...
In this paper we propose the mutable consensus protocol, a pragmatic and theoretically appealing app...
We propose separating the task of reliable transaction dissemination from transaction ordering, to e...
This paper presents a new type of Consensus problem named the Consensus (n, m) with alternative plan...
This reports presents an implementation and evaluation of two distributed consensus protocols, Paxos...
Consensus algorithms are deployed in the wide area to achieve high availability for geographically r...
Modern critical computer applications often require continuous and correct operation despite the fai...
In this brief announcement, we propose a protocol-agnostic approach to improve the design of primary...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
Consensus is an abstraction of a variety of important challenges in dependable distributed systems. ...
Modern network infrastructures rich of logically centralized agents, such as DHCP, AAA, SDN controll...
ABSTRACT Distributed consensus is fundamental in distributed systems for achieving fault-tolerance. ...
Consensus protocols employed in Byzantine fault-tolerant systems are notoriously compute intensive. ...
This thesis presents steps towards simplifying the implementation of robust high performance distrib...
International audienceConsensus (agreeing on a sequence of commands) is central to the operation and...
In this paper we propose the mutable consensus protocol, a pragmatic and theoretically appealing app...
We propose separating the task of reliable transaction dissemination from transaction ordering, to e...
This paper presents a new type of Consensus problem named the Consensus (n, m) with alternative plan...
This reports presents an implementation and evaluation of two distributed consensus protocols, Paxos...
Consensus algorithms are deployed in the wide area to achieve high availability for geographically r...
Modern critical computer applications often require continuous and correct operation despite the fai...
In this brief announcement, we propose a protocol-agnostic approach to improve the design of primary...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
The Consensus problem is recognized as a central paradigm of fault-tolerant distributed computing. I...
Consensus is an abstraction of a variety of important challenges in dependable distributed systems. ...