Focusing on the identification of the role played by Industry on the relations between Corporate Strategic Factors and Performance, the hierarchical multilevel modeling method was adopted when measuring and analyzing the relations between the variables that comprise each level of analysis. The adequacy of the multilevel perspective to the study of the proposed relations was identified and the relative importance analysis point out to the lower relevance of industry as a moderator of the effects of corporate strategic factors on performance, when the latter was measured by means of return on assets, and that industry don‟t moderates the relations between corporate strategic factors and Tobin‟s Q. The main conclusions of the research are that...
Tese de doutoramento em Economia, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de CoimbraMoti...
The maintenance of physical assets is increasingly assuming a leading role in the success of compan...
The article presents, departing from bibliographical research, a proposal of a model of measuring pr...
Focusing on the identification of the role played by Industry on the relations between Corporate Str...
O estudo do incumprimento das empresas é um tópico que continua a despertar o interesse de investig...
Diversos estudos, em diferentes países, têm buscado verificar a associação existente entre a diversi...
This article aims to examine the influence of the strategic background and of the business model ele...
Este artigo tem como objetivo propor uma ferramenta para a avaliação do desempenho com foco na estra...
The objective of this study was to analyze the implicit use of relative performance evaluation in BM...
La gobernanza corporativa, surgida con la intención de resolver o disminuir los conflictos deagencia...
Resumen Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) se hizo conocido como una de las alternativas para aumen...
Orientador : Prof. Dr. Anselmo Chaves NetoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, S...
The purpose of this paper aims to get empirical evidence about the performance of Technical analysis...
The business environment is a complex and dynamic system that needs to be “looked at” properly in or...
viewpoint of contingency theory. We aimed at identifying the practices adopted, the characteristics ...
Tese de doutoramento em Economia, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de CoimbraMoti...
The maintenance of physical assets is increasingly assuming a leading role in the success of compan...
The article presents, departing from bibliographical research, a proposal of a model of measuring pr...
Focusing on the identification of the role played by Industry on the relations between Corporate Str...
O estudo do incumprimento das empresas é um tópico que continua a despertar o interesse de investig...
Diversos estudos, em diferentes países, têm buscado verificar a associação existente entre a diversi...
This article aims to examine the influence of the strategic background and of the business model ele...
Este artigo tem como objetivo propor uma ferramenta para a avaliação do desempenho com foco na estra...
The objective of this study was to analyze the implicit use of relative performance evaluation in BM...
La gobernanza corporativa, surgida con la intención de resolver o disminuir los conflictos deagencia...
Resumen Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) se hizo conocido como una de las alternativas para aumen...
Orientador : Prof. Dr. Anselmo Chaves NetoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, S...
The purpose of this paper aims to get empirical evidence about the performance of Technical analysis...
The business environment is a complex and dynamic system that needs to be “looked at” properly in or...
viewpoint of contingency theory. We aimed at identifying the practices adopted, the characteristics ...
Tese de doutoramento em Economia, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de CoimbraMoti...
The maintenance of physical assets is increasingly assuming a leading role in the success of compan...
The article presents, departing from bibliographical research, a proposal of a model of measuring pr...