In this intriguing book, written by an indigenous Quechua scholar whose ancestors come from Peru, Sandy Grande introduces a new term which she labels Red Pedagogy. The term has more than one facet. One element of Red Pedagogy is its insistence that Native Americans in general, including indigenous scholars, and non-Natives need to critique, challenge, and even reject dominant modes of thought that have been applied to indigenous populations for years. Grande provides sol id evidence that some Native scholars are currently challenging older paradigms. For example, Taiaiake Alfred, a Mohawk political scientist, questions the modern-day usage and practice of sovereignty that includes voting politics. According to Alfred, Native Americans ...
If ever a text should be required for a foundational American Indian Studies course, The State of th...
In A Call to Action, Curry Stephenson Malott appeals to North American educators to acknowledge thei...
Susan Miller and James Riding In position this anthology as the first to collect historical work fro...
In this intriguing book, written by an indigenous Quechua scholar whose ancestors come from Peru, Sa...
Despite the degree of American government domination, American Indian activists have managed to crea...
In Red Land, Red Power, Cherokee scholar Sean Kicummah Teuton considers three Red Power novels by N....
Across American history, Native American tribes were impoverished through land and natural resource ...
As its editors note, this collection is the first work on language ideology especially devoted to Na...
A reviewer of Red Matters might reasonably expect a work with the post-colon title Native American S...
As they trace the shifts in United States government Indian policy over the course of a century, K. ...
This is an excellent book about an issue of importance for the future of cities in the Canadian prai...
The eighteen essays collected in Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision provide, finally and in one ...
In this book, author Elvira Pulitano analyses and evaluates selected writings by Paula Gunn Allen, R...
The struggle of Native scholars to develop a distinctly Native literary criticism-one that draws fro...
In writing a review for Great Plains Quarterly one is asked to emphasize the book\u27s Great Plains ...
If ever a text should be required for a foundational American Indian Studies course, The State of th...
In A Call to Action, Curry Stephenson Malott appeals to North American educators to acknowledge thei...
Susan Miller and James Riding In position this anthology as the first to collect historical work fro...
In this intriguing book, written by an indigenous Quechua scholar whose ancestors come from Peru, Sa...
Despite the degree of American government domination, American Indian activists have managed to crea...
In Red Land, Red Power, Cherokee scholar Sean Kicummah Teuton considers three Red Power novels by N....
Across American history, Native American tribes were impoverished through land and natural resource ...
As its editors note, this collection is the first work on language ideology especially devoted to Na...
A reviewer of Red Matters might reasonably expect a work with the post-colon title Native American S...
As they trace the shifts in United States government Indian policy over the course of a century, K. ...
This is an excellent book about an issue of importance for the future of cities in the Canadian prai...
The eighteen essays collected in Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision provide, finally and in one ...
In this book, author Elvira Pulitano analyses and evaluates selected writings by Paula Gunn Allen, R...
The struggle of Native scholars to develop a distinctly Native literary criticism-one that draws fro...
In writing a review for Great Plains Quarterly one is asked to emphasize the book\u27s Great Plains ...
If ever a text should be required for a foundational American Indian Studies course, The State of th...
In A Call to Action, Curry Stephenson Malott appeals to North American educators to acknowledge thei...
Susan Miller and James Riding In position this anthology as the first to collect historical work fro...