In this paper second-order necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth vector optimization problems are given by smooth approximations. We extend to the vector case the approach introduced by Ermoliev, Norkin and Wets to define generalized derivatives for discontinuous functions as limit of the classical derivatives of regular functions
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set constraint is develop...
Nondegenerate second-order necessary conditions of optimality for general nonlinear optimization pro...
AMS subject classification: 49J52, 90C30.Second order sufficient and necessary conditions are given ...
To study the su ciency of an optimization problem, one either imposes some convexity assumptions or...
In this paper we introduce a notion of generalized derivative for nonsmooth vector functions in orde...
En optimisation les conditions d’optimalité jouent un rôle primordial pour détecter les solutions op...
We study first- and second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for approximate (wea...
Optimality conditions for nonsmooth optimization have become one of the most important topics in the...
Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems a...
AbstractIn this paper we present first and second order sufficient conditions for strict local minim...
This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space settin...
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set constraint is develo...
In this paper we suggest a general approach in studying optimality for a multiobjective problem. Fir...
In this paper we underline the strict connection between the second-order necessary optimality condi...
Convex optimization, nonsmooth analysis, nonsmooth optimization, set-valued maps, variational analys...
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set constraint is develop...
Nondegenerate second-order necessary conditions of optimality for general nonlinear optimization pro...
AMS subject classification: 49J52, 90C30.Second order sufficient and necessary conditions are given ...
To study the su ciency of an optimization problem, one either imposes some convexity assumptions or...
In this paper we introduce a notion of generalized derivative for nonsmooth vector functions in orde...
En optimisation les conditions d’optimalité jouent un rôle primordial pour détecter les solutions op...
We study first- and second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for approximate (wea...
Optimality conditions for nonsmooth optimization have become one of the most important topics in the...
Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems a...
AbstractIn this paper we present first and second order sufficient conditions for strict local minim...
This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space settin...
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set constraint is develo...
In this paper we suggest a general approach in studying optimality for a multiobjective problem. Fir...
In this paper we underline the strict connection between the second-order necessary optimality condi...
Convex optimization, nonsmooth analysis, nonsmooth optimization, set-valued maps, variational analys...
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set constraint is develop...
Nondegenerate second-order necessary conditions of optimality for general nonlinear optimization pro...
AMS subject classification: 49J52, 90C30.Second order sufficient and necessary conditions are given ...