For month of May 1964During May, 1,448 isolations of salmonellae from humans were submitted for an average weekly total of 362, A total of 333 non-human isolations were reported, a decrease of 256 from the previous month.This month's Reports from States include two outbreaks of hospital-associated salmonellosis in California, three outbreaks of salmonellosis traced to pet turtles, and an outbreak of Salmonella typhl-murium gastroenteritis on a farm.A report discribing a case of lung abscess due to Salmonella typhi is abstracted, and salmonellosis in Canada during 1963 is summarized.Erratum: Salmonella Surveillance Report No. 25. On front cover, "For Month of June 1964" should read "For Monch of April 1964".I. Summary -- II. Reports of isola...