For the Month of AugustThis issue of the Salmonella Surveillance Report contains reports of outbreaks from six states, a regulation on pet turtles recently passed by the Washington State Department of Health, and a discussion of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration program on contaminated animal feeds.In August 1967, 2,566 isolations of salmonellae were reported from humans, an average of 513 isolations per week (Tables I and II). This number represents an increase of 44 (9.4 percent) over the weekly average of July 1967 and an increase of 31 (6.4 percent) over the weekly average of August 1966.Reports of 358 nonhuman isolations of salmonellae were received during August, a decrease of 247 (40.8 percent) from July 1967 (Tables IV, V, and V...