This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of technological innovation processes in transnational contexts. By drawing on existing innovation system concepts and recent elaborations on the globalization of innovation, we develop a multi-scalar conceptualization of innovation systems. Two key mechanisms are introduced and elaborated: the generation of resources in multi-locational subsystems and the establishment of structural couplings among them in a global innovation system (GIS). Based on this conceptualization, we introduce a typology of four generic GIS configurations, building on the innovation mode and valuation system in different industry types. The analytical framework is illustrated with insights from four emerging clean-te...
In this paper we discuss the concept of scalar innovation systems in the Nordic countries. We use em...
The chapter discusses the spatial aspects of the increased globalization of innovation, analysing bo...
The objective of this paper is to increase our ability to understand the systems of innovation appr...
This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of technological innovation processes in transnatio...
Innovation studies is increasingly acknowledging the multi-scalar nature of the systemic contexts, i...
This chapter discusses recent developments in the literature on local and regional innovative perfor...
This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of so...
The increasing de-localization of innovation activities to and from emerging economies has triggered...
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperat...
This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of so...
The 'Technological Innovation System' (TIS) framework and its system functions have become a popular...
International audienceCurrent debates on globalization often mask the real underlying characteristic...
The study of technological innovation covers a broad range of issues. Everything, from the public fu...
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperat...
The main objective of this paper is to provide greater understanding of the systems of innovation a...
In this paper we discuss the concept of scalar innovation systems in the Nordic countries. We use em...
The chapter discusses the spatial aspects of the increased globalization of innovation, analysing bo...
The objective of this paper is to increase our ability to understand the systems of innovation appr...
This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of technological innovation processes in transnatio...
Innovation studies is increasingly acknowledging the multi-scalar nature of the systemic contexts, i...
This chapter discusses recent developments in the literature on local and regional innovative perfor...
This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of so...
The increasing de-localization of innovation activities to and from emerging economies has triggered...
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperat...
This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of so...
The 'Technological Innovation System' (TIS) framework and its system functions have become a popular...
International audienceCurrent debates on globalization often mask the real underlying characteristic...
The study of technological innovation covers a broad range of issues. Everything, from the public fu...
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperat...
The main objective of this paper is to provide greater understanding of the systems of innovation a...
In this paper we discuss the concept of scalar innovation systems in the Nordic countries. We use em...
The chapter discusses the spatial aspects of the increased globalization of innovation, analysing bo...
The objective of this paper is to increase our ability to understand the systems of innovation appr...