The power consumption of a high-end microprocessor increases very rapidly. High power consumption will lead to a rapid increase in the chip temperature as well. If the temperature reaches beyond a certain level, chip operation becomes either slow or unreliable. Therefore various approaches for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a learning based temperature prediction scheme for a multi-core system. In this approach, from repeatedly executing an application, we learn the thermal patterns of the chip, and we control the temperature in advance through DTM. When the predicted temperature may go beyond a threshold value, we reduce the temperature by decreasing the operation frequencies of the correspon...
Fueled by increasing human appetite for high computing performance, semiconductor technology has now...
Abstract—Modern processors crudely manage thermal emer-gencies through Dynamic Thermal Management (D...
In deep submicron era, thermal hot spots and large temperature gradients significantly impact system...
In this paper, we propose a proactive dynamic thermal management scheme for chip multiprocessors tha...
Abstract—With the high integration density and complexity of the modern multi-core platform, thermal...
In this paper, we propose a proactive dynamic thermal management scheme for chip multiprocessors tha...
Abstract—Multi-core System-on-Chip (SoC) has become a popular execution platform for many embedded r...
With continuous IC(Integrated Circuit) technology size scaling, more and more transistors are integr...
Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) techniques have been proposed to save on thermal packaging and cool...
Constant increase in performance demands, more aggressive technology scaling and higher transistor i...
Current multicore platforms contain different types of cores, organized in clusters (e.g., ARM's big...
Current multicore platforms contain different types of cores, organized in clusters (e.g., ARM's big...
Recently, processor power density has been increasing at an alarming rate result- ing in high on-chi...
The increasing number of transistors being clocked at high frequencies of modern microprocessors lea...
The high power density of a many-core processor results in increased temperature which negatively im...
Fueled by increasing human appetite for high computing performance, semiconductor technology has now...
Abstract—Modern processors crudely manage thermal emer-gencies through Dynamic Thermal Management (D...
In deep submicron era, thermal hot spots and large temperature gradients significantly impact system...
In this paper, we propose a proactive dynamic thermal management scheme for chip multiprocessors tha...
Abstract—With the high integration density and complexity of the modern multi-core platform, thermal...
In this paper, we propose a proactive dynamic thermal management scheme for chip multiprocessors tha...
Abstract—Multi-core System-on-Chip (SoC) has become a popular execution platform for many embedded r...
With continuous IC(Integrated Circuit) technology size scaling, more and more transistors are integr...
Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) techniques have been proposed to save on thermal packaging and cool...
Constant increase in performance demands, more aggressive technology scaling and higher transistor i...
Current multicore platforms contain different types of cores, organized in clusters (e.g., ARM's big...
Current multicore platforms contain different types of cores, organized in clusters (e.g., ARM's big...
Recently, processor power density has been increasing at an alarming rate result- ing in high on-chi...
The increasing number of transistors being clocked at high frequencies of modern microprocessors lea...
The high power density of a many-core processor results in increased temperature which negatively im...
Fueled by increasing human appetite for high computing performance, semiconductor technology has now...
Abstract—Modern processors crudely manage thermal emer-gencies through Dynamic Thermal Management (D...
In deep submicron era, thermal hot spots and large temperature gradients significantly impact system...