For the Month of April.This issue of the SalmonelLa Surveillance Report includes summaries of a large interstate epidemic due to kosher desserts made with contaminated unpasteurized egg products, an outbreak due to consumption of raw milk, and a typhoid fever epidemic in Louisiana.In ApriL 1967, 1,256 isolations of saimonellae were reported from humans, an average of 314 isolations per week (Tables I and II). This number represents an increase of 32 (11.3 percent) over the weekly average of March 1967 and a decrease of 2 (0.6 percent) from the weekly average of April 1966.Reports of 659 nonhuman isolations of saimonellae were received during April, a decrease of 223 (25.3 percent) from March 1967 (Tables IV, V, and VI).I. Summary -- II. Rep...