One immature was observed at Sutherland Reservoir, Lincoln County, on 17 December (myself) and 19 December (myself and Dorothy J. Rosche), 1992. I saw this bird a few hours after Silcock and Dinsmore discovered it on 17 Dec. [See article on p. 88.] It flew by the end of the pier at close distances (as close as 20 feet) for hours on both days of observation. It sometimes landed momentarily on small pieces of ice as it picked up morsels floating in the water. It was a small gull and much more dainty than the nearby Bonaparte\u27s Gulls. It had a very small, rounded head and a very short, stubby, blackish bill. I believe it was a first-year bird molting into second-year plumage. The obviously wedge-shaped tail possessed well-worn tips. The onl...