This 4-H extension circular describes the different rules for exhibiting your vegetables. This includes, size, type, condition, color, uniformity, Wash or not wash, amounts to exhibit. ec12-33-
Extension circular 1274 revised in 1959 discusses garden vegetables from soil preparation to insects
Extension Circular 81-1234 contains the selected vegetable varieties for Nebraska. This circular tal...
This NebGuide discusses the use of vegetables as ornamental plants. Many vegetables have ornamental,...
This 4-H extension circular describes the different rules for exhibiting your vegetables. This inclu...
Whether on an individual basis at fairs or in 4-H, FFA or a garden club competition, exhibiting vege...
Extension circular 73-1231 is about planning growing and preparing vegetables for exhibit
Tips on preparing and handling vegetables for 4-H and youth exhibits, including details for 40 diffe...
This publication gives tips on how to choose the best produce for vegetable exhibits and what the ju...
July, Art Gaus Extension Horticulturist--Page 1."University of Missouri College of Agricultu...
Extension Circular 83-1242: This circular talks about different vegetables that are grown in Nebrask...
This 1952 revision of the 1947 4-H Garden Club Manual : Extension Circular 12-31-2. It suggests that...
The purpose of this publication is to guide 4-H members and others in growing, selecting, and prepar...
Extension circular 1274 is about garden vegetables and how to care for them within the garden
In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, it ad...
Extension Circular 85-1242: This circular discusses different vegetables that can be grown in Nebra...
Extension circular 1274 revised in 1959 discusses garden vegetables from soil preparation to insects
Extension Circular 81-1234 contains the selected vegetable varieties for Nebraska. This circular tal...
This NebGuide discusses the use of vegetables as ornamental plants. Many vegetables have ornamental,...
This 4-H extension circular describes the different rules for exhibiting your vegetables. This inclu...
Whether on an individual basis at fairs or in 4-H, FFA or a garden club competition, exhibiting vege...
Extension circular 73-1231 is about planning growing and preparing vegetables for exhibit
Tips on preparing and handling vegetables for 4-H and youth exhibits, including details for 40 diffe...
This publication gives tips on how to choose the best produce for vegetable exhibits and what the ju...
July, Art Gaus Extension Horticulturist--Page 1."University of Missouri College of Agricultu...
Extension Circular 83-1242: This circular talks about different vegetables that are grown in Nebrask...
This 1952 revision of the 1947 4-H Garden Club Manual : Extension Circular 12-31-2. It suggests that...
The purpose of this publication is to guide 4-H members and others in growing, selecting, and prepar...
Extension circular 1274 is about garden vegetables and how to care for them within the garden
In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, it ad...
Extension Circular 85-1242: This circular discusses different vegetables that can be grown in Nebra...
Extension circular 1274 revised in 1959 discusses garden vegetables from soil preparation to insects
Extension Circular 81-1234 contains the selected vegetable varieties for Nebraska. This circular tal...
This NebGuide discusses the use of vegetables as ornamental plants. Many vegetables have ornamental,...