Preparing food ahead of time and freezing it can save time, energy and money. Frozen cooked foods also add variety to your menu, offer quick meals for unexpected company and provide nutritious choices for busy days. When you are preparing a main dish, it takes only a little more effort and time to make enough for several meals. You can freeze all of the prepared food in meal size packages, or serve part of the food immediately and freeze the rest. It is more economical to make your own supply of prepared dishes than to purchase commercially prepared foods
Extension Circular 9920 is about preserving food for the home by freezing and storing it
With victory gardens to provide vegetables and small fruits, and a shortage of supplies and equipmen...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website"It's easy to keep your freezer stocked w...
An entire meal prepared in only the few minutes necessary to thaw a container of frozen foods is the...
Extension Circular 9979 Revised 1954 This circular is about freezing cooked and prepared foods
Freezing is the home food preservation method that best preserves nutrients, flavors and colors, alt...
This publication provides recipes, instructions, and ingredient lists for a week\u27s worth of freez...
Extension Circular 9979 This circular is about freezing cooked and prepared foods
"Quality for keeps.""Nutrition and health.""Revised by Susan Mills-Gray, State Nutrition Specialist....
The freezing method of preserving food for. future use has been used for many years. Modem frozen fo...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website."When you know or suspect that power wil...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website"Freezing is an excellent method of prese...
Extension Circular 9965 Revised 1945. This circular is about preserving foods by freezing, preparing...
Extension Circular 9965 Revised 1948. This circular is about preserving foods by freezing, preparing...
Extension Circular 9920 is about preserving food for the home by freezing and storing it
With victory gardens to provide vegetables and small fruits, and a shortage of supplies and equipmen...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website"It's easy to keep your freezer stocked w...
An entire meal prepared in only the few minutes necessary to thaw a container of frozen foods is the...
Extension Circular 9979 Revised 1954 This circular is about freezing cooked and prepared foods
Freezing is the home food preservation method that best preserves nutrients, flavors and colors, alt...
This publication provides recipes, instructions, and ingredient lists for a week\u27s worth of freez...
Extension Circular 9979 This circular is about freezing cooked and prepared foods
"Quality for keeps.""Nutrition and health.""Revised by Susan Mills-Gray, State Nutrition Specialist....
The freezing method of preserving food for. future use has been used for many years. Modem frozen fo...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website."When you know or suspect that power wil...
Harvested from the University of Missouri Extension website"Freezing is an excellent method of prese...
Extension Circular 9965 Revised 1945. This circular is about preserving foods by freezing, preparing...
Extension Circular 9965 Revised 1948. This circular is about preserving foods by freezing, preparing...
Extension Circular 9920 is about preserving food for the home by freezing and storing it
With victory gardens to provide vegetables and small fruits, and a shortage of supplies and equipmen...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...