Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights and unambiguous spatial location. While not all cadastral jurisdictions in the world maintain a digital cadastral database, the concepts of such registration hold true regardless of whether it is a paper-based cadastre or a digital one. Similarly, the motivations and purpose for the creation of a 2D cadastre for individual jurisdictions applies to3D cadastre as well. It provides security of ownership for3D parcels, protects the rights of the owners, and provides valuable financial instruments such as mortgage, collateral, valuation and taxation. The current life cycle of the development of a land parcel includes processes startfrom outside the ...
Urban environments have seen the growth of infrastructure and buildings above and below the ground d...
The increasing complexity of infrastructures and densely built-up areas requires a proper registrati...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) is by definition 2D (a p...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights an...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights an...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel provides certainty of ownership, protection of rights and unam...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Land Registration Office (Cadastre) is mandatory to register the legal status of real estate obj...
Current cadastral data models use a 2D land-parcel definition and extend it to cover 3D requirements...
A significant number of studies has been carried out to establish 3D cadastre solutions to improve t...
In this chapter we address various aspects of 3D Cadastral Information Modelling. Of course, this is...
This is a publisher's version of a paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres...
Urban environments have seen the growth of infrastructure and buildings above and below the ground d...
The increasing complexity of infrastructures and densely built-up areas requires a proper registrati...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) is by definition 2D (a p...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights an...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights an...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel provides certainty of ownership, protection of rights and unam...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Land Registration Office (Cadastre) is mandatory to register the legal status of real estate obj...
Current cadastral data models use a 2D land-parcel definition and extend it to cover 3D requirements...
A significant number of studies has been carried out to establish 3D cadastre solutions to improve t...
In this chapter we address various aspects of 3D Cadastral Information Modelling. Of course, this is...
This is a publisher's version of a paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres...
Urban environments have seen the growth of infrastructure and buildings above and below the ground d...
The increasing complexity of infrastructures and densely built-up areas requires a proper registrati...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) is by definition 2D (a p...