Piotr Pomostowski, Katedra Filmu, Telewizji i Nowych Mediów UAM, Jazzowość filmu - filmowość jazzu. O muzyce Krzysztofa Komedy w filmach krótkometrażowych Romana Polańskiego, The Jazziness of a Film – the Filmicness of Jazz. About the Music of Krzysztof Komeda in the Short Films of Roman Polański, „Images” 2012, vol. X: Microcosmos, red. A. Szpulak i W. Otto, nr 19, s. 95-103, ISSN 1731-450x, język: polskiThe relationship between a film director and the composer of the film soundtrack is an exceptionally interesting research subject. Even more so in the context of Krzysztof Komeda’s music in Roman Polański’s film etudes. It is a rare case for the influence of music on a film and for the influence of the film on the music to be so significan...