Pesticide destiny in soil depends on a number of factors, as well as on presence and intensity of the processes such as adsorption, degradation, evaporation, rinsing and leaching. Since adsorption processes govern concentration of the free fraction of pesticide molecules, researches in this area are primarily focused on examination of this process, more precisely on determination of adsorption constants and adsorption/desorption isotherms which provide determination of the most responsible soil properties for the retention of the tested pesticides in the soil. Since rinsing across the soil profile is the most frequent and its intensity is indirectly determined by intensity of adsorption processes, determination of adsorption constan...
Labudovi su divlje ptice vodenih staništa i pripadaju familiji Anatidae, roduAnseriformes. S obzirom...
Prekomjerna i nepravilna uporaba pesticida može predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje ljudi i živ...
Uporaba pesticida na poljoprivrednim usjevima često se zbog otrovanja povezuje s masovnim ugibanjem ...
Pesticides are an inevitable part of the environment, because due to the intensive use their remain...
Radom su analizirani najvažniji čimbenici rada orošivača tijekom aplikacije pesticida u trajnim nasa...
Radom su analizirani najvažniji čimbenici rada orošivača tijekom aplikacije pesticida u trajnim nasa...
Seed treatment with fungicides and insecticides is very good way for plant protection according econ...
Organohlorni pesticidi (OCP) su grupa jedinjenja široko zastupljena u prirodi a samim tim i u hrani ...
Počeci primjene kemijskih spojeva u suzbijanju štetočina u širem smislu sežu u davnu prošlost. Najst...
Since their discovery to the present day, pesticides have been an inevitable segment of agricultura...
In the middle of the last century, mites moved into the focus of attention as pests relevant to agri...
Highly intensive greenhouse production can't be imagined without permanent control and surveliance o...
The technique of pesticide applications in viticulture, in most cases is characterized by dispersion...
The technique of pesticide applications in viticulture, in most cases is characterized by dispersion...
Highly intensive greenhouse production can't be imagined without peramnent control and surveliance ...
Labudovi su divlje ptice vodenih staništa i pripadaju familiji Anatidae, roduAnseriformes. S obzirom...
Prekomjerna i nepravilna uporaba pesticida može predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje ljudi i živ...
Uporaba pesticida na poljoprivrednim usjevima često se zbog otrovanja povezuje s masovnim ugibanjem ...
Pesticides are an inevitable part of the environment, because due to the intensive use their remain...
Radom su analizirani najvažniji čimbenici rada orošivača tijekom aplikacije pesticida u trajnim nasa...
Radom su analizirani najvažniji čimbenici rada orošivača tijekom aplikacije pesticida u trajnim nasa...
Seed treatment with fungicides and insecticides is very good way for plant protection according econ...
Organohlorni pesticidi (OCP) su grupa jedinjenja široko zastupljena u prirodi a samim tim i u hrani ...
Počeci primjene kemijskih spojeva u suzbijanju štetočina u širem smislu sežu u davnu prošlost. Najst...
Since their discovery to the present day, pesticides have been an inevitable segment of agricultura...
In the middle of the last century, mites moved into the focus of attention as pests relevant to agri...
Highly intensive greenhouse production can't be imagined without permanent control and surveliance o...
The technique of pesticide applications in viticulture, in most cases is characterized by dispersion...
The technique of pesticide applications in viticulture, in most cases is characterized by dispersion...
Highly intensive greenhouse production can't be imagined without peramnent control and surveliance ...
Labudovi su divlje ptice vodenih staništa i pripadaju familiji Anatidae, roduAnseriformes. S obzirom...
Prekomjerna i nepravilna uporaba pesticida može predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje ljudi i živ...
Uporaba pesticida na poljoprivrednim usjevima često se zbog otrovanja povezuje s masovnim ugibanjem ...