During the 2006-2007 period, the allelopathic effect of cold water extracts from Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L., Erigeron canadensis L. and Solanum nigrum L. on seed germination and initial development of Glycine max L., Pisum sativum L. and Vicia sativa L. was studied under laboratory conditions in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. It was found that: water extracts from fresh and dry biomass of A. retroflexus, Ch. album, E. canadensis and S. nigrum had an inhibitory effect on seed germination of G. max, P. sativum and V. sativa, the inhibition rate for the extracts from fresh biomass varying from 28.8 to 81.5% and for the extracts from dry weed biomass it was from 26.8 tо 89.2%; The values of LC50 varied from 1...
Influence of aqueous extracts of aboveground organs of common crop weeds Stellaria media on germinat...
Buvo atliktas sėjamosios kanapės išdžiovintų šaknų vandeninėsištraukos poveikio žieminio rapsosėklų ...
Allelopathy offers potential for weed control through the production and release of allelochemicals ...
Alelopatija je pojav, kjer rastline in mikroorganizmi proizvedejo alelokemikalije, ki lahko zaviraln...
Alelopatija je pojav, pri katerem neka rastlina ali mikroorganizem izloča alelokemikalije, te pa sti...
Plant extracts of Amaranthus retroflexus showed an inhibitory effect on the development of both coty...
<p><i>Amaranthus</i> is a versatile plant used as a food, but it is also a recognised weed due to it...
In this study, some plant species that had allelopathic effects and inhibited the germination of som...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati alelopatski potencijal korovnih vrsta oštrodlakavi šćir (Amaranthu...
The allelopathic potential of different concentrations (0, 5 %, 10 %, 20 % and 40%) of Medicago sati...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aqueous extracts from Chenopodium album L. on...
The study was conducted to determine the allelopathic effects of Crocus sativus L., Ricinus communis...
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi alelopatski utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata pripremljenih od suhe biomase korov...
Istraživanje je provedeno u cilju ispitivanja alelopatskog utjecaja vodenih ekstrakata pripremljenih...
Amaranthus hybridus is a noxious weed in Ontario, with demonstrated allelopathic properties that can...
Influence of aqueous extracts of aboveground organs of common crop weeds Stellaria media on germinat...
Buvo atliktas sėjamosios kanapės išdžiovintų šaknų vandeninėsištraukos poveikio žieminio rapsosėklų ...
Allelopathy offers potential for weed control through the production and release of allelochemicals ...
Alelopatija je pojav, kjer rastline in mikroorganizmi proizvedejo alelokemikalije, ki lahko zaviraln...
Alelopatija je pojav, pri katerem neka rastlina ali mikroorganizem izloča alelokemikalije, te pa sti...
Plant extracts of Amaranthus retroflexus showed an inhibitory effect on the development of both coty...
<p><i>Amaranthus</i> is a versatile plant used as a food, but it is also a recognised weed due to it...
In this study, some plant species that had allelopathic effects and inhibited the germination of som...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati alelopatski potencijal korovnih vrsta oštrodlakavi šćir (Amaranthu...
The allelopathic potential of different concentrations (0, 5 %, 10 %, 20 % and 40%) of Medicago sati...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aqueous extracts from Chenopodium album L. on...
The study was conducted to determine the allelopathic effects of Crocus sativus L., Ricinus communis...
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi alelopatski utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata pripremljenih od suhe biomase korov...
Istraživanje je provedeno u cilju ispitivanja alelopatskog utjecaja vodenih ekstrakata pripremljenih...
Amaranthus hybridus is a noxious weed in Ontario, with demonstrated allelopathic properties that can...
Influence of aqueous extracts of aboveground organs of common crop weeds Stellaria media on germinat...
Buvo atliktas sėjamosios kanapės išdžiovintų šaknų vandeninėsištraukos poveikio žieminio rapsosėklų ...
Allelopathy offers potential for weed control through the production and release of allelochemicals ...