Uvod: Težave z ravnotežjem in hojo so po možganski kapi pogoste in so povezane s slabo premičnostjo in vsakodnevno dejavnostjo ter povečanim tveganjem za padce. V zadnjih letih se v fizioterapiji pacientov po možganski kapi vse pogosteje uporablja navidezna resničnost, ki poveča motivacijo, upošteva načela teorije motoričnega učenja in omogoča udeležencu, da stalno spremlja uspešnost izvedbe svojih gibov preko zaslona. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil pregledati izsledke raziskav o učinkovitosti vadbe z navidezno resničnostjo, dodani fizioterapiji pri pacientih po možganski kapi na izboljšanje ravnotežja in hoje. Metode dela: Randomizirane kontrolirane poskuse smo iskali v podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed (MEDLINE), CINAHL in PEDro. Rezultati...
INTRODUÇÃO: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) causa alterações sensóriomotoras que levam a problema...
The aim: to evaluate the use of virtual reality and physical therapy the recovery of function on the...
ABSTRACT Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Me...
Možganska kap je izguba možganske funkcije zaradi motnje v prekrvitvi možganov. Povzroča hude posled...
Gait and balance impairments contribute significantly to long-term disability after stroke. Modern c...
In relation to their posture limitations stroke patients have difficulties in maintaining balance an...
Uvod: Telerehabilitacija predstavlja za fizioterapijo alternativen pristop, ki nudi pacientom po mož...
Aims: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of Virtual Reality technology and ha...
UVOD: Neurološke bolesti povezane su s visokom stopom smrtnosti i invaliditeta. Rehabilitacija kod ...
Abstract Background A stroke often results in gait impairments, activity limitations and restricted ...
AbstractQuestion: In people after stroke, does virtual reality based rehabilitation (VRBR) improve w...
Background: Stroke is a common cause of motor disability. The recovery of upper limb after stroke is...
Uvod: Pri pacientih po možganski kapi pogosto pride do motenj ravnotežja, izboljšanje le-tega pa je ...
The aim of research: To assess the effectiveness of virtual reality based exercises for regaining mo...
A stroke can lead to severe physical and cognitive impairments. As a result of these impairments, ma...
INTRODUÇÃO: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) causa alterações sensóriomotoras que levam a problema...
The aim: to evaluate the use of virtual reality and physical therapy the recovery of function on the...
ABSTRACT Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Me...
Možganska kap je izguba možganske funkcije zaradi motnje v prekrvitvi možganov. Povzroča hude posled...
Gait and balance impairments contribute significantly to long-term disability after stroke. Modern c...
In relation to their posture limitations stroke patients have difficulties in maintaining balance an...
Uvod: Telerehabilitacija predstavlja za fizioterapijo alternativen pristop, ki nudi pacientom po mož...
Aims: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of Virtual Reality technology and ha...
UVOD: Neurološke bolesti povezane su s visokom stopom smrtnosti i invaliditeta. Rehabilitacija kod ...
Abstract Background A stroke often results in gait impairments, activity limitations and restricted ...
AbstractQuestion: In people after stroke, does virtual reality based rehabilitation (VRBR) improve w...
Background: Stroke is a common cause of motor disability. The recovery of upper limb after stroke is...
Uvod: Pri pacientih po možganski kapi pogosto pride do motenj ravnotežja, izboljšanje le-tega pa je ...
The aim of research: To assess the effectiveness of virtual reality based exercises for regaining mo...
A stroke can lead to severe physical and cognitive impairments. As a result of these impairments, ma...
INTRODUÇÃO: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) causa alterações sensóriomotoras que levam a problema...
The aim: to evaluate the use of virtual reality and physical therapy the recovery of function on the...
ABSTRACT Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Me...