RINGKASANKambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) merupakan komoditas peternakan yang menghasilkan protein hewani yaitu daging dan susu. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kambing PE lebih banyak dimanfaatkan susunya. Selain manfaat bagi kesehatan susu kambing juga digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti bagi orang-orang yang alergi terhadap susu sapi. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Dimana sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Dalam pemeliharaan kambing perah peranakan etawa pada UD. Atjeh Livestock meliputi pembersihan kandang atau sanitasi, pemerahan susu, pemberian pakan (hijauan dan konsentrat), pemberian air minum, pembesaran dan penanggulangan hama serta penyakit.Penelitian dilakukan di UD. Atjeh Livestock di Desa Ru...
The aim of research were to determine 1) the main source of development of Cattle raising in Sukoha...
The development of the livestock sector is an effort to meet the needs of animal protein in the comm...
The aims of the research to determine the carrying capacity of waste by product and livestock based...
NURUL AIMANUSYAH (0705102020027) dengan judul skripsi "Analisis Keuntungan dan Pem...
RINGKASANPenelitian dilakukan di UD. Puna Farm Desa Lam Ara Tunong, Kecamatan Kuta Malaka, Kabupaten...
Rizky Utami. 1405102010030. Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Susu Kambing Di UD. Atjeh Livestock Kecamata...
Evaluation of the potency of agricultural by product as ruminant animal feed in aceh besar regency ...
Konsumsi susu di Indonesia masih sangat rendah, hal ini disebabkan oleh produksi susu juga yang rend...
The main issue of the last years in Indonesian livestock production systems is declining beef cattle...
Daya tampung suatu daerah administratif terhadap populasi ternak pemakan hijauan dapat dioptimalkan ...
(The study of prospective forage production on existing and potential land use to support increasing...
Analisis manajemen kesehatan terhadap produktivitas ternak sapi potong di PT. Berdikari United Lives...
This study was conducted to look at developing of ruminant and poultry population in agribusiness ar...
The purpose of this study was to observe the development and carrying capacity of beef cattle livest...
Nurhidayat: Pengelolaan Sapi Berbasis Daya Dukung Pakan untuk Konservasi Sapi Lokal di Aceh Besar.Pe...
The aim of research were to determine 1) the main source of development of Cattle raising in Sukoha...
The development of the livestock sector is an effort to meet the needs of animal protein in the comm...
The aims of the research to determine the carrying capacity of waste by product and livestock based...
NURUL AIMANUSYAH (0705102020027) dengan judul skripsi "Analisis Keuntungan dan Pem...
RINGKASANPenelitian dilakukan di UD. Puna Farm Desa Lam Ara Tunong, Kecamatan Kuta Malaka, Kabupaten...
Rizky Utami. 1405102010030. Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Susu Kambing Di UD. Atjeh Livestock Kecamata...
Evaluation of the potency of agricultural by product as ruminant animal feed in aceh besar regency ...
Konsumsi susu di Indonesia masih sangat rendah, hal ini disebabkan oleh produksi susu juga yang rend...
The main issue of the last years in Indonesian livestock production systems is declining beef cattle...
Daya tampung suatu daerah administratif terhadap populasi ternak pemakan hijauan dapat dioptimalkan ...
(The study of prospective forage production on existing and potential land use to support increasing...
Analisis manajemen kesehatan terhadap produktivitas ternak sapi potong di PT. Berdikari United Lives...
This study was conducted to look at developing of ruminant and poultry population in agribusiness ar...
The purpose of this study was to observe the development and carrying capacity of beef cattle livest...
Nurhidayat: Pengelolaan Sapi Berbasis Daya Dukung Pakan untuk Konservasi Sapi Lokal di Aceh Besar.Pe...
The aim of research were to determine 1) the main source of development of Cattle raising in Sukoha...
The development of the livestock sector is an effort to meet the needs of animal protein in the comm...
The aims of the research to determine the carrying capacity of waste by product and livestock based...