Zone 5, the area on the south-west of the summit of the hill (Trenches BC/BD/BE-76/77/78 and BF/BG/BH/ BJ-75/76/77 on the grid in fig. 1.3) was excavated every summer since 2007. Although a preliminary report of the architectural remains and content of the zone discovered during the 2007 and 2008 campaigns was previously published3, for the sake of convenience, some aspects are reminded here. The south limit of the area excavated as Zone 5 is marked by a series of sturdy walls (E1-E5) which mark a sudden rise in level against the south slope of the hill. Here, a large space called the south area was partly excavated (fig. 6.1). A series of pits cut in the bedrock were located, one of which contained EM ceramics. More excavation (in the west...