A bevásárlóturizmus gyakorlatilag az egész világon közismert és tudományos módszerekkel is kutatott jelenség. A vásárlás a turisták egyik legkedveltebb tevékenysége, ami gyakran az utazások elsődleges motivációjául szolgál. A kifejezetten vásárlási szándékkal hazánkba érkező külföldiek és a külföldre utazó magyarok száma évről-évre több millióra tehető. A bevásárlóturisták évente több száz milliárd forinttal gyarapítják a hazai kiskereskedelmi üzletek forgalmát és az adókon keresztül a központi költségvetés bevételeit. A Kárpát-medencében a téma kutatása különösen aktualitás, hiszen a trianoni békeszerződés következtében létrejött határok kettévágták a nagyvárosok piackörzeteit, melyek újjáéledésére napjainkban az európai integráció kínál t...
The importance of this research stems from the need to ensure the sustainability of cross-border coo...
This case study investigates the cross-border shopping behavior and potential of Czech customers in ...
The objective of this study is the discussion of the experiences on a Hungary-Romania cross-border p...
Shopping tourism in Eastern Europe has grown enormously since the 1970s, and the geopolitical change...
The analysis on the border crossings, as the objects to decrease the separation effect, is really im...
Our study deals with the rapid transformation of the Slovak retail network as well as it analyzes ...
In the current paper we wanted to investigate the historical process which resulted in Debrecen’s co...
Hungary, near to the Hungarian-Romanian border. We made an analysis based on various methods in this...
Autorica kroz rad istražuje kulturni fenomen prekograničnog šopinga iz područja Međimurja u pogranič...
In the past decades, in Europe the cross-border relations have been a phenomenon investigated throug...
Thanks to the all pervasive globalisation trends previous state borders have become more permeable a...
Bachelor thesis focuses on the problems of cross-border shopping tourism of inhabitants of the Liber...
A border region is an area consisting of a number of human communities and a network of relationship...
Cross-border shopping tourism is a specific form of shopping tourism, the intensity and directions ...
Wśród uczestników handlu przygranicznego na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim tak w 2001 r., jak i w 2011...
The importance of this research stems from the need to ensure the sustainability of cross-border coo...
This case study investigates the cross-border shopping behavior and potential of Czech customers in ...
The objective of this study is the discussion of the experiences on a Hungary-Romania cross-border p...
Shopping tourism in Eastern Europe has grown enormously since the 1970s, and the geopolitical change...
The analysis on the border crossings, as the objects to decrease the separation effect, is really im...
Our study deals with the rapid transformation of the Slovak retail network as well as it analyzes ...
In the current paper we wanted to investigate the historical process which resulted in Debrecen’s co...
Hungary, near to the Hungarian-Romanian border. We made an analysis based on various methods in this...
Autorica kroz rad istražuje kulturni fenomen prekograničnog šopinga iz područja Međimurja u pogranič...
In the past decades, in Europe the cross-border relations have been a phenomenon investigated throug...
Thanks to the all pervasive globalisation trends previous state borders have become more permeable a...
Bachelor thesis focuses on the problems of cross-border shopping tourism of inhabitants of the Liber...
A border region is an area consisting of a number of human communities and a network of relationship...
Cross-border shopping tourism is a specific form of shopping tourism, the intensity and directions ...
Wśród uczestników handlu przygranicznego na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim tak w 2001 r., jak i w 2011...
The importance of this research stems from the need to ensure the sustainability of cross-border coo...
This case study investigates the cross-border shopping behavior and potential of Czech customers in ...
The objective of this study is the discussion of the experiences on a Hungary-Romania cross-border p...