Magyar gregoriánum: Gregorian and polyphonic chants from medieval Hungary = Gregorián és polifon énekek a középkori Magyarországról:I.Chants of Blessed Virgin Mary = Mária-énekek:1.Salve sancta Parens - Introit +2.Kyre virginitatis amator - Kyrie with trope +3.Gloria de Beata +4.Adest nobis nunc miranda - Reading with trope +5.Alleluja. Fuit Virgo - Discant for the feast of presentation of Our Lady +6.Alleluja. Dulcis mater +7.Mira mater - Sequence +8.Verbum caro - two-part cantio +9.Recordare - Offertory with trope +II.Funeral chants = Temetés [Halotti ének, gyászének, halotti beszéd]:10.Salve regina - Maria-antiphon by Hermannus Contractus +11.Circumdederum me - Funeral invitatory +12.Kyrie - Oremus - Kyre and prayer over the Dead +13.Lib...