Magyar gregoriánum: Gregorian and polyphonic chants from medival Hungary : Hungarian Saints = Gregorián és polifon énekek a középkori Magyarországról : Magyar szentek:1.Domine, ad adjuvandum - three-part rundellus +2.Adest festum venerandum - Nine antiphons from the office of St Stephen [Szent István] (Matins) +3.Omne datum optimum - The life of St Stephen +4.Nobilis stirpe - Responsory in the Matins +5.Scandit sanctus - Three antiphons for the Lauds +6.Os justi - Introit +7.Kyre +8.Gloria +9.Domine, praevenisti - Gradual +10.Alleluja, Sancte rex Stephane +11.Corde voce - Sequence +12.Beatus servus - Communion +13.Ave beate rex Stephane - Antiphon for the Magnificat +14.O Pastor aeterne - two-part rundellus of St Nicholas [Szent Miklós] +15...